
Clear Django cache from admin or command line

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a backport package from @timonweb's ClearCache to Python 2.7.

Django ClearCacheBackport

License Django versions Python versions

Allows you to clear Django cache via admin UI or manage.py command.



  1. Install using PIP:

    pip install django-clearcache-backport
  2. Add clearcache to INSTALLED_APPS, make sure it's above django.contrib.admin:

  3. Add url to the main urls.py right above root admin url:

    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^admin/clearcache/', include('clearcache.urls')),
        url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),


Via Django admin

  1. Go to /admin/clearcache/, you should see a form with cache selector
  2. Pick a cache. Usually there's one default cache, but can be more.
  3. Click the button, you're done!

Via manage.py command

  1. Run the following command to clear the default cache

    python manage.py clearcache
  2. Run the command above with an additional parameter to clear non-default cache (if exists):

    python manage.py clearcache cache_name