
This project was created using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL, it's a Facebook clone where you can add friends, write posts, comment and like other user's posts. We used Omniauth for Facebook authentication and Devise for regular authentication.

Primary LanguageRuby

Facebook Clone

This project was created using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. It's a Facebook clone where you can add friends, write posts, comment, and like other user's posts. We used Omniauth for Facebook authentication and Devise for regular authentication.


Bernardo Garza Landa - bernardo.g.landa@gmail.com - Portfolio - LinkedIn

Kalib Hackin - naguihw@gmail.com

Live Demo



Facebook Clone Facebook Clone

Getting started

To get started with the app clone the repo and run the following commands:

$ bundle install --without production

Create the database:

$ rails db:create

Migrate the database:

$ rails db:migrate

Create the fake users:

$ rails db:seed

Run the app in a local server:

$ rails server

Run tests

To run the tests, in your terminal you have to execute the following code:

bundle exec rspec

Future features

  • Add better styling
  • Implement chat

Built with

  • Ruby on Rails
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap
  • Rspec