Computer Graphics

Primary LanguageC

Computer Graphics


In the Curricular Unit of Computer Graphics we learned several competences:

  • Understand the interconnection of the various modules of a 3D graphic system;
  • Design and implement small applications oriented to 3D;
  • Design and implement applications with graphical interface, in its various aspects;
  • Master scheduling by events.


  • During the first project we built a 3D Scene using some graphic computer concepts such as modeling, light, shadows and transformations.
  • During the second project we created a fully functional scene consisting of submarine that launches torpedoes to reach the targets.

Technologies/Languages and Tools

WebCGF library
Console - Tools for Web Developers (Chrome)


  • Bernardo Leite
  • Francisco Silva


Project - Control of a Submarine

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Project - Control of a Submarine

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Project - Control of a Submarine

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Project - Torpedo launch

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