
This was my final test on college where I got successful, it's a simple automation tool to detect auto memory reading (looking after debuggers).

Primary LanguagePython

Automation of anti-debugging CRC cheking technique

This technique have the goal of not allowing the executable to be analyzed inside an anti-debugging tool. Isn't a complex technique but it's pretty functional. My goal with this is to help the community of developers and analysts. This code have a good example on how this technique works and how to detect it.

Fun and learning. Any question just let me know, I would be glad to help.


Simple program that do the CRC checking.

References:: http://automationwiki.com/index.php/CRC-16-CCITT


This is the code responsable to analyze the executable. I used some libraries to help me on the process.

Any question about the code just let me know, I would be glad to help.