
Escrow arrangement to supply Ether locked in a smart contract escrow to the Compound protocol via Solidity

Primary LanguageSolidity


Supply Ether locked in the smart contract escrow to the Compound protocol via Solidity.

Eher supply to Compound protocol

Ether is supplied to Compound at the point of deposit.

205   //Ether supplying to Compound at the point of deposit:
206   CEther cEthToken = CEther("0x4ddc2d193948926d02f9b1fe9e1daa0718270ed5"); //contract address, the cEth contract address
207   uint256 mintResult = cEthToken.mint(e.fund); //num Tokens to supply
208   //mintResult = balance of cEth

Ether retrieve

Ether is subsequently retrieved at the point of withdrawal.

271   //Ether retrieved only at the point of withdrawal:
272   CEther cEthToken = CEther("0x4ddc2d193948926d02f9b1fe9e1daa0718270ed5"); //contract address, the cEth contract address
273   uint256 redeemResult = cEthToken.redeem(_amount); //num Tokens to redeem

276   emit MyLog("If this is not 0, there was an error", redeemResult);
277   require(redeemResult == 0, "redeemResult error"); //uint 0=success, otherwise a failure