Upgradability playground using OZ libs


  • node version: 16.x
  • npm version: 7.x


  1. Install the dependencies: npm i

  2. Create your env file: cp .env.example .env and fill it with your variables:

  • MNEMONIC: The first account will be used to interact with the blockchain, make sure it has ether.

  • INFURA_PROJECT_ID: Infura id, can be created here for free https://www.infura.io/, alternatively you can set provider for each network for example setting: GOERLI_PROVIDERin case of goerli (check hardhat.config.js for more information)

  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: Etherescan api key. Will be used to verify contracts from scripts.

  1. Execute scripts on package.json

For example to deploy and upgrade and transparent proxy use:

npm run deploy:transparent:goerli
npm run update:transparent:goerli

To verify the contract in etherscan, if you set the API KEY, you can execute the prompted command which will be something like this:

you can verify the proxy address with:
npx hardhat verify 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF --network goerli


Be aware that when deploying/upgrading contracts using the OZ libs a folder .openzeppelin is created in root of the project and a file for network , for example, for goerli: goerli.json Here will be all the upgradability information (like the proxy admins deployed, the implementations and their storage layout ...) It's mandatory to safe this file, and placed there when upgrading a contract! This will help OZ libs to know which are the proxy admin to interact, perform sanity checks, for example in the storage layout of the previous and new implementation