
guice-integration for the vaadin-framework

Primary LanguageJava

Guice Vaadin

Guice Vaadin is the official Guice integration for Vaadin Framework.


setting up the servlet

first step is to set up the GuiceVaadinServlet, which needs a packagesToScan parameter holding the names of all packages that should be scanned for UIs, Views, ViewChangeListeners, RequestHandler, VaadinServiceInitListeners and custom implementation of UildRequestHandler. Sub-packages of these packages are scanned as well.

This can be done either by subclassing GuiceVaadinServlet and annotating it with @PackagesToScan, or by configuring a GuiceVaadinServlet in the deployment-descriptor.

configuration in java

    package org.mypackage;

    @javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet(name = "Guice-Vaadin-Servlet", urlPatterns = "/*")
    @com.vaadin.guice.annotation.PackagesToScan({"org.mycompany.ui", "org.mycompany.moreui"})
    public class MyServlet extends com.vaadin.guice.server.GuiceVaadinServlet{

configuration in xml

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" version="2.5">
            <param-value>org.mycompany.ui, org.mycompany.moreui</param-value>

setting up UIs

All packages in packagesToScan and their sub-packages are scanned for Vaadin-UI's. These UI's need to have a GuiceUI-annotation.

public class MyUI extends com.vaadin.ui.UI {

In order to set up a Vaadin-Navigator, a 'viewContainer' is to be configured. A viewContainer is the second parameter to the Navigator's constructor. The Content of a UI can also be configured via the annotation

public class MyViewContainer extends Panel {

public class Content extends VerticalLayout {
   Content(MyHeader header, MyViewContainer viewContainer){
      addComponents(header, viewContainer);

@GuiceUI(content = Content.class, viewContainer = MyViewContainer.class)
public class MyUI extends com.vaadin.ui.UI {
    public void init(com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest request){
         // can be left empty

Limitation - UildRequestHandler

It's only possible to register one custom UildRequestHandler with Vaadin Guice. GuiceVaadinServlet throws an IllegalStateException if more than on custom implementation of UildRequestHandler was found in packagesToScan.


Copyright 2015-2018 Vaadin Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.