EXMARaLDA maven build (for Windows)

This is work on progress. It is an attempt to automate and to document the build process of EXMARaLDA.


  • Maven (tested with apache-maven-3.5.0)
  • Java Development Kit (tested with jdk1.8.0_131)
  • Files of an EXMARaLDA installation


Make sure you have a JDK (not just a JRE) and Maven installed.

We assume the build will be in c:\workspace\exmaralda and access it with %EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%.

In a DOS-Box enter the following commands. Please note this will delete the existing directory:

set EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR=c:\workspace\exmaralda
cd /d c:\
mkdir %EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%\exmaralda-installation

We assume your original EXMARaLDA installatin is in c:\Program Files (x86)\EXMARaLDA and access it with %EXMARALDA_ORIGINAL_INSTALLATION_DIR%. Copy all files of the EXMARaLDA installation to c:\workspace\exmaralda (%EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%)


Download https://github.com/me-kell/EXMARaLDA-Build/archive/master.zip and extract its contents to c:\workspace\exmaralda (%EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%)

  • README.md (this file)
  • pom.xml (EXMARaLDA build POM)
  • pom-prepare.xml (utils POM to prepare the build. It calls prepare.xml)
  • prepare.xml (ant buildfile to prepare the build. Called by pom-prepare.xml)
  • SplashScreen.png (a modified SplashScreeen.png to test this buid)
  • UrlsOfContextClassLoaderOfCurrentThread.java (utils)
  • exmaralda.exb (simple test exmaralda file. Uses exmaralda.wav)
  • exmaralda.wav (simple test wav file)

Build with Maven

We assume the JDK in C:\sde\tools\jdk1.8.0_131 and maven in C:\sde\tools\apache-maven-3.5.0. In a DOS-Box enter the following commands to set environment variables for Maven

set JAVA_HOME=C:\sde\tools\jdk1.8.0_131
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1524m
set MAVEN_HOME=C:\sde\tools\apache-maven-3.5.0

set EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR=c:\workspace\exmaralda


The following prepares a directory structure and adds dependencies to local maven repository (See pom-prepare.xml and prepare.xml). This will ask your permission to delete existing directories (%EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%\tmp and %EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%\src).

mvn -f pom-prepare.xml antrun:run@prepare validate

Run maven with following goals.

mvn -f pom.xml clean dependency:copy-dependencies@copy-dependencies resources:resources compiler:compile jar:jar

Or simply mvn -f pom.xml clean package.

After this you can run the PartiturEditor with following maven goal:

mvn -f pom.xml exec:exec@partitureditor

Change Player

The JDS Player is not bound in this build. Therefore you should change it to JMF Player. Start EXMARaLDA. Under Edit > Preferences ... > Media set the JMF Player. Restart EXMARaLDA with mvn -f pom.xml exec:exec@partitureditor.

EXMARaLDA warns that "Your player preference is set to JMF-Player" and "This is not the recommended default player for your system. The recommended default player for your system is JDS-Player." And asks if "Do you want to switch to the recommended default player?" Answer "no".

Generate Site

If you wish you can generate a site with information of the project

mvn -f pom.xml site
mvn -f pom.xml dependency:resolve
mvn -f pom.xml dependency:tree
mvn -f pom.xml javadoc:javadoc
mvn -f pom.xml jxr:jxr
mvn -f pom.xml pmd:pmd
mvn -f pom.xml pmd:cpd

The site is generated under c:\workspace\maprepository\exmaralda\target\site (%EXMARALDA_WORKING_DIR%\target\site)