
A pseudo-distributed HDFS with YARN, Spark 2.3 and Oozie in a docker container

Primary LanguageShell

A tiny hadoop stack

1 Build and Run

A pseudo-distributed HDFS with YARN, Spark 2.3 and pseudo-distributed HBase 1.1 in a docker container usefull for testing clients that use WebHDFS, YARN and Oozie REST API.

Note: Docker containers should have least 4G available (check restrictions)

  • Build

  • Run


    This will init the container and start HDFS, YARN, HBase and Oozie in it.


  • The first run of build.sh builds an Oozie binary in stage 1. It downloads the maven part of the Internet and takes very long ... If one only changes stage 2 in the Dockerfile, subsequent runs are pretty fast - as long as one doesn't remove the stage 1 interim image (maybe tag it after the first run).
  • You may not want to start real jobs in it ;-)

2 Simple REST API Tests

Wait until HBase is fully started (check via localhost:16010)


3 Exposed Ports

8020 Namenode 8032 Namenode IPC 8042 Datanode 8050 Resource Manager IPC 8088 Resource Manager Web UI 11000 Oozie 16000 HBase Master 16010 HBase Master Web UI 16060 HBase REST 16070 HBase Info 16301 HBase Region Server 50070 Namenode Web UI, WebHDFS (/webhdfs/v1) 50010 Datanode data transfer 50020 Datanode IPC 50075 Datanode Web UI 50090 Secondary Namenode

4 Infos

To get the memory footprint, wait until all services are started and then


docker exec -it tiny-hadoop bash -l -c "su -c '/opt/jvmtop/jvmtop.sh --once' oozie"

After this call root can also access Oozie:

docker exec -it tiny-hadoop bash -l -c /opt/jvmtop/jvmtop.sh

Show all hadoop service versions

docker exec -it tiny-hadoop cat /opt/hadoop-version.txt