
eduVPN documentation

Primary LanguageShellCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


This is the eduVPN/Let's Connect! documentation repository. This repository targets administrators and developers. It contains information on how to deploy the VPN software on a server, but also (technical) details about the implementation needed to (better) integrate it in existing infrastructure, and how to modify the software for one's own needs.

For more information see:

NOTE: if you are an end-user of eduVPN and want to contact someone, please try to find the contact information of your organization here. If you don't know where to go, then simply contact us at eduvpn-support@lists.geant.org.

Supported Versions

Version Release Date OS Support EOL*
3 2022-05-25 Debian (>= 11), Ubuntu (>= 22.04), Fedora (>= 36), EL (>= 9) TBD
2 2019-04-02 Debian (>= 10), CentOS 7, Fedora (>= 35) 2024-06-30
1 2017-07-13 N/A N/A

We support a release until such time the EOL date has been reached or none of the eduVPN servers we officially support are running that version anymore, whichever comes first.

We only support the particular release on operating systems that are still supported by their vendor!


This is an (incomplete) list of features of the VPN software:

  • OpenVPN server accepting connections on both UDP and TCP ports;
  • Uses multiple OpenVPN processes for load sharing purposes;
  • Scales from a Raspberry Pi to many core systems with 10GBit networking;
  • Full IPv6 support, using IPv6 inside the tunnel and connecting over IPv6;
  • Support both NAT and publically routable IP addresses;
  • CA for managing client certificates;
  • Support for WireGuard;
  • Secure server and client configuration out of the box;
  • Portal to allow users to manage their configurations for their devices and admins to manage users, configurations and connections;
  • Multi Language support;
  • Authentication to portals using local user database (default), LDAP, RADIUS, OIDC, SAML and Client Certificates;
  • OAuth 2.0 API for integration with native eduVPN/Let's Connect! applications;
  • Deployment scenarios:
    • Route all traffic over the VPN (for safer Internet usage on untrusted networks);
    • Route only some traffic over the VPN (for access to the organization network);
    • Client-to-client (only) networking;
  • Group ACL support with SAML and LDAP;
  • Ability to disable all OpenVPN logging (default);
  • Support multiple deployment scenarios simultaneously;
  • SELinux fully enabled (on Fedora);

Client Support

See Client Compatibility for more information about the supported VPN clients.


NOTE: if you plan to install and run a eduVPN/Let's Connect! server please subscribe to the "deployers" mailing list here. It will be used for announcements of updates and discussion about running eduVPN/Let's Connect!.

IRC Contact

You can also join IRC for technical questions/discussions/feedback on Libera.Chat, channel #eduvpn. Please stick around for a while to wait for a response!

You can also easily use the Web Chat if you can't be bothered to setup an IRC client. See you there!

Instruction Videos

NOTE: these videos are for eduVPN / Let's Connect 2.x and still need to be updated for 3.x:

Supported Operating Systems

Current Recommendation: install your VPN server on Debian 11.

NOTE: we expect ALL software updates to be installed and the server rebooted before you install the software!

NOTE: if you want to deploy on multiple machines for load balancing, please follow these instructions!


If you want to set up your own server development environment see DEVELOPMENT_SETUP.


This work (this documentation repository) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


The VPN server software is licensed under the AGPLv3+.

Security Contact

If you find a security problem in the code, the deployed service(s) and want to report it responsibly, contact fkooman@tuxed.net. You can use PGP. My key is 0x9C5EDD645A571EB2. The full fingerprint is 6237 BAF1 418A 907D AA98 EAA7 9C5E DD64 5A57 1EB2.