#CS104 Search Engine Project

This project was developed as part of USC's CS104 Final Project Parts of the code have been developed in a team, but most of the code was written by me. The project is a simplified version of a search engine that reads in webpages of random text and is able to manipulate them by crawling and parsing words and links, searching words, ordering the words by pageRank, implementing and account system with personalization, and a search based ad system that calculates charges based on clicks. The program itself was written in C++ and the interface written in Qt

To Compile: Qmake Make

To run: on Mac: ./team_project_125.app/Contents/MacOS/team_project_125 data/output.txt data/ad_input.txt data/ad_output.txt on Linux Machines: ./team_project_125.app data/output.txt data/ad_input.txt data/ad_output.txt