
BETA: Dokku Plugin For VerneMQ MQTT Broker

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

dokku vernemq (beta)

Build Status FOSSA Status

Unofficial VerneMQ MQTT Broker plugin for Dokku. Uses latest version of the official VerneMQ Docker Image.


  • dokku 0.4.x+
  • docker 1.8.x


# on 0.4.x+
sudo dokku plugin:install https://github.com/SpinifexGroup/dokku-vernemq


vernemq:add-user <service> [--create-flags...]      | Create a Vernemq user
vernemq:create <service> [--create-flags...]        | create a Vernemq service
vernemq:destroy <service> [-f|--force]              | delete the Vernemq service/data/container if there are no links left
vernemq:enter <service>                             | enter or run a command in a running Vernemq service container
vernemq:expose <service> <ports...>                 | expose a Vernemq service on custom port if provided (random port otherwise)
vernemq:link <service> <app>                        | link the Vernemq service to the app
vernemq:list                                        | list all Vernemq services
vernemq:logs <service> [-t|--tail]                  | print the most recent log(s) for this service
vernemq:remove-user <service> [--create-flags...]   | Remove a Vernemq user
vernemq:restart <service>                           | graceful shutdown and restart of the Vernemq service container
vernemq:start <service>                             | start a previously stopped Vernemq service
vernemq:stop <service>                              | stop a running Vernemq service
vernemq:unexpose <service>                          | unexpose a previously exposed Vernemq service
vernemq:unlink <service> <app>                      | unlink the Vernemq service from the app


# create a VerneMQ Broker service named lollipop
dokku vernemq:create lollipop

# you can also specify custom environment
# variables to start the VerneMQ service
# in semi-colon separated form
export VERNEMQ_CUSTOM_ENV="USER=alpha;HOST=beta"
dokku vernemq:create lollipop

# get information about the container as follows
dokku vernemq:info lollipop

# you can also retrieve a specific piece of service info via flags
dokku verne:info lollipop --data-dir
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --exposed-ports
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --id
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --internal-ip
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --links
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --service-root
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --status
dokku vernemq:info lollipop --version

# a bash prompt can be opened against a running service
# filesystem changes will not be saved to disk
dokku vernemq:enter lollipop

# you may also run a command directly against the service
# filesystem changes will not be saved to disk
dokku vernemq:enter lollipop ls -lah /

# a vernemq service can be linked to a
# container this will use native docker
# links via the docker-options plugin
# here we link it to our 'playground' app
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku vernemq:link lollipop playground

# the following environment variables will be set inside the app container
#   VERNEMQ_HOST=vernemq-host-name
#   VERNEMQ_USER=username
#   VERNEMQ_URL=tcp://username:password@vernemq-host-name:1883
# NOTE: The VerneMQ docker image enables password authentication by default.
# Your application will need to use the provided username and password to
# connect to the broker. If you wish to allow anonymous connections (please don't
# do this in production), this can be
# set as an environment variable when creating the service as described at
# https://github.com/erlio/docker-vernemq#start-a-vernemq-cluster-node
# NOTE: the host exposed here only works internally in docker containers. If
# you want your container to be reachable from outside, you should use `expose`.

# you can also unlink a vernemq service
# NOTE: this will restart your app and unset related environment variables
dokku vernemq:unlink lollipop playground

# you can tail logs for a particular service
dokku vernemq:logs lollipop
dokku vernemq:logs lollipop -t # to tail

# finally, you can destroy the container
dokku vernemq:destroy lollipop


The VerneMQ docker image allows for configuration of all variables using environment variables during creation

Alternatively, you can manually edit the config file on the host machine and restart the service. You can find the appropriate directory using the info command.

dokku vernemq:info lollipop


The VerneMQ docker image enables authentication by default. As such, when a VerneMQ dokku service is created, a random username and password will be created and exported into the linked service as environment variables. If you wish to add additional users, this can be managed through the add-user and remove-user commands.

NOTE that removing a user will not immediately break connections from this user. The service will need to be restarted to break the connection, at which point the credentials will no longer be valid.


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