
Recommended C code style and coding rules for micro controllers

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

My embedded coding and naming style guide

Table of contents

- [ File naming style ]
- [ Header include files ]
- [ Always use <stdint.h> defined integer types ]
- [ Hardware register files ]
- [ Sample snippet from a hardware file ]
- [ C or C++ in embedded programming ]
- [ Names used for C++ classes, functions, and methods ]
- [ Structures, enums and typedef ]
- [ Variable names ]
- [ Quick style guide summery ]

File naming style

Files are named all lower case, without any hyphen '-' or whitespace, i.e., preferable all in one world. That ensures that used tools will not have any problem reading files or paths regardless of the host operating system or build tools used. You may use '_' though.

syscalls.c          // OK
sys_calls.c         // OK
sys calls.c         // Wrong
SysCalls.c          // (Wrong): except for an Arduino Library. Use CamelCase like 'SysCalls.cpp', and 'SysCalls.h'.

Avoid building issues with naming file system directories in the same manner, which are part of the toolchain or source tree. To be consistent with any directory name use either lower case-style or all CAPS, thus no camel case styles.

Header include files

Always include guard defines to prevent multiple inclusions. For example, use #ifndef and name it based on the file name (basictimers.h). Use upper case letters with '_' replacing the dot. Begin and end the #define with one _.

#endif /* _BASICTIMERS_H_ */

Always include a C++ check and have the external header files outside this C++ check. Further, include any external C standard library header files before any user header files. Finally, every #define must be within C++ check brackets. In C++ use #pragma once instead of above constructs.

#include <stdint.h>
#include "f407hardwarebasictimers.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
... // C code here
#ifdef __cplusplus

Always use <stdint.h> defined integer types

Include <stdint.h> in the top header file. The compiler will, with these types, always generate the expected variable sizes regardless of the used microcontrollers (MCU). Get in the habit of using the same type in code unless required by register requirements or using a negative integer. Consider integer range and size and decide which type to prefer. Consistent code helps maintenance, and errors are easier to find. For literals, long L, l, and unsigned long UL, ul is added after a constant (e.g. 0x0024UL) and is 8 bytes in length.

<stdint.h> types range size
uint8_t 0 to 255 1 byte
uint16_t 0 to 65,535 2 byte
uint32_t 0 to 4,294,967,295 4 byte
int8_t -128 to 127 1 byte
int16_t -32,768 to 32,767 2 byte
int32_t -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 4 byte

Hardware register files

The header file for STM32F407 basic timers (TIM6 and TIM7) uses register addresses like this.


Include this in the header file basictimers.h, i.e., which implements the custom functionality in the basictimers.c or the basictimers.cpp.

Sample snippet from a hardware file

Typically all #defines is within the C++ check region. Here all relevant base register addresses, with offsets to targeted registers, are defined. The base address must always use the form <register name>_<BASE_ADDR>. Address derived with the offset can use a more descriptive form (all caps) since its use in user code—comments on every line.

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

    #define TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR (0x40001000UL) // TIM6 base address
    #define TIM7_CR1_BASE_ADDR (0x40001400UL) // TIM7 base address

    // TIM6
    #define TIM6_CR1_ADDR (TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0000UL) // offset 0x00
    #define TIM6_SR_ADDR (TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0010UL) // offset 0x10
    #define TIM6_CNT_ADDR (TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0024UL) // offset 0x24
    #define TIM6_PCS_ADDR (TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0028UL) // offset 0x28
    #define TIM6_ARR_ADDR (TIM6_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x002CUL) // offset 0x2C

    #define TIM7_CR1_ADDR (TIM7_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0000UL) // offset 0x00
    #define TIM7_SR_ADDR (TIM7_CR1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0010UL) // offset 0x10

#ifdef __cplusplus

All #defines must be in all caps, with optionally '_' used to break long names.

C or C++ in embedded programming

System development for embedded microcontrollers is mostly C-oriented. There are pros and cons considering the complexity and additional effort of learning C++ if you are unfamiliar with it, and in the end, this topic may very well be just a personal choice.

Recommended names used for C++ classes, functions, and methods

The file name (e.g., with basictimers.h) defines the class name. Avoid any usage of '_' in the classes name. The class name and constructor is CamelCased with no lowercase first prefix. Use lowercaseCamelCase() for all methods and functions. The instantiated object name is in all CAPS.

class BasicTimers {
    // Constructor
    BasicTimers(uint8_t basic_timer);

    resetTimer(uint8_t basic_timer);

    void enableTimer(uint8_t basic_timer);

Instantiate an object of this class like this, with the experimental style:

BasicTimers TIMER1(1);

Structures, enums and typedef

Enums and struct are always in CamelCase, like MyProgress and ComplicatedProcess. So append '_e' and '_t' respectively like shown for typedef of these aggregated constructs.

typedef enum
} MyProgress_e ;

We use enum class here for type safety and code readability.

enum class ValveState : uint8_t {
    shut,        // defaults to 0
    engaged,     // defaults to 1
    disengaged,  // defaults to 2
    open         // defaults to 3

Use it like expected ValveState::engaged.

typedef struct 
    float seed;
    uint16_t index;
    MyProgress_e state;
} ComplicatedProcess_t ;

Write the declaration of the variable process_one with the above typedef.

ComplicatedProcess_t process_one;


Use all lower case with an optionally '_' for readability in long names.

uint16_t basic_timer = 0;   // OK
uint16_t basictimer = 0;    // OK also
uint16_t BasicTimer = 0;    // Wrong

Prepend p to pointer variables for clarity. Finally, align the '*' towards the data type, not the variable name.


    uint16_t  _counter;          // Not recommended style in later standards.
    uint16_t  another_counter;   // OK

    uint32_t* p_index            // OK
    uint32_t* pindex             // OK
    uint32_t *pindex             // Wrong

One exception to the above lowercase rule is if part of the name is an established MCU-referenced register name, then use all caps for that part only.

int32_t* pRCC_APB1ENR_TIM = (uint32_t*) RCC_TIM_ENABLE_ADDR;  // OK
int32_t* p_RCC_APB1ENR_tim = (uint32_t*) RCC_TIM_ENABLE_ADDR; // OK (also)
int32_t *pRCC_APB1ENR_TIM = (uint32_t*) RCC_TIM_ENABLE_ADDR; // Wrong
int32_t *pRCC_APB1ENR_tim = (uint32_t*) RCC_TIM_ENABLE_ADDR; // Wrong

Quick style guide summery

  • CamelCase for class names, typedef, enum, and Arduino Libraries, and its cpp/h files.
  • lowerCamelCasefor methods and functions.
  • lowercase for variable names, directories, and file names with optionally one _ for readability.
  • ÀLLCAPS register names, defines, directories and (experimental) instantiated objects.