
This is the repository to host materials from past ACE talks.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Astronomy Coding Education Talks at UIUC

Presented by the Society for Equity in Astronomy

This is the repository to host materials from past ACE talks.



Astronomy Coding Education (ACE) Talks allows UIUC's community of professional Astronomers to share tips, tricks, and tutorials of astronomical software and programming techniques. We cover topics such as using Python, SAO Image DS9, astropy, and more!.


You will find materials per academic semester with directory names like spring_24/ with individal talks with directory naming scheme /Topic_PresenterName_MMDD/.

Installing Specific Files

You can download individual files, like .pdf or .ipynb files, without cloning this repository using the download button when viewing a file. The button is found at the top right of the file viewer. It is shown below as a down arrow in a tray.



If you are interested in giving a talk at a future date, please email the current organizer with a suggested topic and available dates here -> aberres2@illlinois.edu