
Kubernetes Lab on AWS for CKA, CKAD, CKS Exam or Kubernetes Practise

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Setup Kubernetes Lab on AWS for CKA, CKAD, CKS Exam or Kubernetes Practise

This is K8s Lab - CKA, CKAD, and CKS Exam


Cluster Details - 4 servers

  • 1 control plane
  • 2 worker nodes
  • 1 Kubectl Client

Default Kubernetes Version


How to specify a different Kubernetes Release Version

Be sure to check for all package dependencies before changing the k8s version. E.g. Kubernetes v1.26.0 requires contained version 1.6.X and above.

  • Update 1.XX.X-00 based on Kubernetes release version in deployments/setup.sh
  • Update 1.XX.X-00 based on Kubernetes release version in deployments/deployment.yml for the Kubectl Client

Node Details

  • All the provisioned instances run the same OS
ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-110:~$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS"

Getting Started

Step 1: Deploy the Infrastructure on AWS

Follow any of the options below:

Option A: Deploy the Infrastructure with CloudFormation from AWS Console:

  • Clone the repo
  • Goto AWS Console > Choose Region (e.g. eu-west-1) > CloudFormation > Create Stack
  • Use the CF Yaml template in infrastructure/k8s_aws_instances.yml
  • See image below:

Create Infrastructure

Option B: Deploy the Infrastructure with CloudFormation from AWS CLI:

  • Clone the repo
git clone repo
cd kubeadm-lab-on-aws
  • Define your environment variables
export REGION="eu-west-1"
export key_pair="my-EC2-key-name"

Note: key_pair is your key pair and should already be created in AWS EC2.

  • Create the infrastructure for your stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name kubeadm-lab --template-body file://infrastructure/k8s_aws_instances.yml --parameters ParameterKey=EnvironmentName,ParameterValue=k8s ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=${key_pair} --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region ${REGION}
  • Check stack status for CREATE_COMPLETE. Takes about 3mins
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name kubeadm-lab --query 'Stacks[].StackStatus' --region ${REGION} --output text
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name kubeadm-lab

Step 2: Configuring the environment

  • Define your global variables
export LOCAL_SSH_KEY_FILE="~/.ssh/key.pem"
export REGION="eu-west-1"
export AWS_PROFILE="work"

Note: By default, the AWS CLI uses the settings found in the profile named default. To use alternate settings, you can create and reference additional profiles.

  • Confirm the instances created and the Public IP of the Ansible controller server
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:project,Values=k8s-kubeadm" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Placement.AvailabilityZone, State.Name, InstanceId, PrivateIpAddress, PublicIpAddress, [Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value] [0][0]]' --output text --region ${REGION}
  • Define your Ansible server environment variable. if you are using AWS profile other than default, substitue it in the commands below:
export ANSIBLE_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP="$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag-value,Values=ansible_controller_kubeadm_lab" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PublicIpAddress]' --output text --region ${REGION} --profile ${AWS_PROFILE})"
  • Transfer your SSH key to the Ansible Server. This will be need in the Ansible Inventory file.
  • Inspect and execute the output of the command generated above.

  • To Create inventory file. Edit the inventory.sh and update the REGION if different from eu-west-1.

  • View the inventory file and update it according to your AWS environment setup

vi deployments/inventory.sh
  • Proceed with the commands below:
chmod +x deployments/inventory.sh
bash deployments/inventory.sh ${LOCAL_SSH_KEY_FILE} ${REGION}
chmod +x deployments/config.sh 
bash deployments/config.sh ${LOCAL_SSH_KEY_FILE} ${REGION}
  • Transfer all playbooks in deployments/playbooks to the ansible server
cd deployments
scp -i ${LOCAL_SSH_KEY_FILE} deployment.yml setup.sh ../inventory ../config *.cfg ubuntu@${ANSIBLE_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP}:~
scp -i ${LOCAL_SSH_KEY_FILE} ../config ubuntu@${ANSIBLE_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP}:~/.ssh/config
  • Connect to the Ansible Server
  • Your ssh key copied to the Ansible server
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/key_name.pem  
  • After building the inventory file, test if all hosts are reachable
  1. List all hosts to confirm that the inventory file is properly configured
ansible all --list-hosts -i inventory

Expected output:

  hosts (5):
  1. Test ping on all the hosts
ansible -i inventory k8s -m ping 

Deploy with Ansible

ansible-playbook -i inventory -v deployment.yml

Final Result

TASK [Ansible Host Kubectl Commands] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [
        "NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION",
        "k8s-controller   Ready    control-plane   2m28s   v1.28.2",
        "k8s-worker1      Ready    <none>          75s     v1.28.2",
        "k8s-worker2      Ready    <none>          70s     v1.28.2"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=8    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Test Kubectl Commands on the Ansible Controller Server

ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-160:~$ kubectl get nodes
NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
k8s-controller   Ready    control-plane   4m3s    v1.28.2
k8s-worker1      Ready    <none>          2m50s   v1.28.2
k8s-worker2      Ready    <none>          2m45s   v1.28.2

Test Kubectl Commands on the Kubernetes Controller

ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-194:~$ ssh k8s-controller

ubuntu@k8s-controller:~$ kubectl get nodes
NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
k8s-controller   Ready    control-plane   4m3s    v1.28.2
k8s-worker1      Ready    <none>          2m50s   v1.28.2
k8s-worker2      Ready    <none>          2m45s   v1.28.2

Clean Up

To Delete the AWS CloudFormation Stack

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name kubeadm-lab

Check if the AWS CloudFormation Stack still exist to confirm deletion

aws cloudformation list-stacks --stack-status-filter DELETE_COMPLETE --region ${REGION} --query 'StackSummaries[*].{Name:StackName,Date:CreationTime,Status:StackStatus}' --output text | grep kubeadm