
Repository of fictional databases, similar to e-commerce businesses


Repository of fictional databases, similar to e-commerce businesses


The information in this repository is fictional and intended for demonstration purposes only. No one’s peronal information was used to create those databases. It was created using open-source reposotory to create fake data such as Faker and fake_web_events.

Git Large File System

The documents in this repository are very large by designed. They are stored online thanks to Git Large File System (LFS).

File description

AB-test conversion increase

AB-test_conversion_increase.parquet.gzip is a database of 451,181 fictional web-events over three months, from an ecommerce site. The site is running an A/B test and “Treatment” is leading to a presumably significant increase in conversion rate. This dataset can be used to demonstrate how to go from raw events to statistical results, and discuss lead and lagging metrics, user retention, sample ratio mismatch (SRM) and sequential testing.