
Executable state charts, property based testing and more.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Getting started

If you are using Maven, include the following in your pom.xml:


Here's a minimal POM file that you can use in your own projects. Make sure to adapt groupId and artifactId.

Another way to get started is to clone the act-examples project.

If you are using Gradle, include the following in your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'org.requirementsascode.act:act-statemachine:0.8.1'

Example usage

Look at the following state machine for a light.

It represents its two fundamental states of being either OFF, or ON.

The TurnOn trigger causes a change to the ON state.

The TurnOff trigger causes a change to the OFF state.

Image of a statemachine of a light, with two states

Act uses invariant conditions to be able to check if the state machine is in a certain state.

Here's the state machine diagram with the states' invariants (yellow sticky notes).

Image of a statemachine of a light, with two states and invariants

And here's how the state machine is presented in code.

interface Trigger{ }
class TurnOn implements Trigger{ }
class TurnOff implements Trigger{ }

enum LightState{ON, OFF};
State<LightState, Trigger> on = state("On", s -> s.equals(LightState.ON));
State<LightState, Trigger> off = state("Off", s -> s.equals(LightState.OFF));

Statemachine<LightState, Trigger> statemachine = Statemachine.builder()
	.states(on, off)
		transition(off, on, when(TurnOn.class, consumeWith(this::turnOn))),
		transition(on, off, when(TurnOff.class, consumeWith(this::turnOff)))

To learn more, see the LightExample class.

Property based testing

The act-pbt subproject supports property based testing of state machines. If you are using Maven, include the following in your pom.xml:


If you are using Gradle, include the following in your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'org.requirementsascode.act:act-pbt:0.8.1'

Have a look at the examples for details.

Hierarchical state machines (a.k.a. state charts)

You can use Act to create hierarchical state machines as well.

That means: states can have a behavior that is a state machine itself.

Have a look at this class for details on how to create one.

Processing regular languages

Act can be used to decide whether a word is part of a regular language or not.

This test class shows how to do it.

Why another state machine library?

If you notice that you use complicated if-else checks throughout your code, or your application's behavior changes over time depending on some application state, you might benefit from using a state machine in your code.

But why would you use Act to define an executable state machine model? The main difference between Act and many other state machine libraries is the relationship between state machine and application state.

In most state machine libraries, the state of the state machine is only losely related to the "real" appliction state. You need to build logic to keep the two in sync. And that logic may be error-prone.

In contrast, Act directly operates on the application state. Act checks in which state the state machine is by checking invariant conditions. These conditions are based on the application state. Also, transitions directly transform the application state.

That has some interesting benefits, for example:

  • Act can automatically check if the application really is in the intended target state of a transition. This is great for verification and can e.g. be used together with property based testing to verify the application behavior.

  • When application state is persisted and reloaded, the state machine will automatically be reset to the latest state.

In short, Act brings the state machine closer to what really happens.

Apart from that, Act is a light-weight implementation (single jar, <64 kBytes). Ease of use is a key design goal.