== Build == Build: plugin-Library$ ant == Javadoc == If you want to generate Javadocs, download bliki-doclet, which is a little something I cooked up to have mediawiki markup instead of ugly HTML in javadoc comments, and put it into the doc/ directory: $EXT$ wget "http://cloud.github.com/downloads/infinity0/bliki-doclet/bliki-doclet_openjdk-6-src-b16-24_apr_2009.jar" plugin-Library/doc$ ln -s $EXT/bliki-doclet*.jar bliki-doclet.jar plugin-Library$ ant javadoc == Using Library == Enter a search query into the search box, this can use the standard search engine query syntax ( or, not/-, "") or any combination eg freenet -"freenet message system" freenet or "free network" Stop words( Anything less than 3 letters and popular words such as 'and' 'the' 'but' ) are excluded from searches, in some situations such as an intersection search ('bill of rights') or phrase search('"jesus of nazareth"') the stopword is treated as a blank as the result can still be useful, searching for the phrase ('"the who"') will fail though as ignoring 'the' makes the search almost meaningless. You also need to specify one or more indexes, there are checkboxes for the 2 largest xml indexes known about and others can be specified in the uri box separated by spaces, just enter the uri or local path. You can add bookmarks to other indexes by specifying a name, they aren't saved currently but will soon. You can select 'Group sites and editions' this will put all pages under the same key into groups. The sorting on relevance wont work so well but it depends what you are looking for as to which is more useful. Only the newest editions of sites will be shown by default, select 'Show older editions' and all editions wil be shown but the older ones will be greyed out. == Inline searches (provisional) == You can provide a search box in your freesite, by using the html below, though this may change soon : <form action="/plugins/plugin.Library.FreesiteSearch" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="hidden" name="index" value="[[[index uri here]]]" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>