
Easily generate dummy text in Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


Easily generate dummy text in Neovim

currently under maintenance 🧰

Todo List

  • - Generate words from another file
  • - Create ':LoremIpsum' command w/ args
  • - Integrate with completion engine (nvim-cmp)



use { "derektata/lorem.nvim" }


The plugin is designed to be as plug-and-play as possible, and therefore no setup is needed as it is shipped with sensible defaults. It is hovewer possible to customize the behavior of the plugin in setup like this:

  sentenceLength = "mixedShort",
  comma = 0.1

The comma property

This property describes the likelihood of having a comma added to a sentence when there has passed at least 3 words since the last comma. A value of 0 would completely disable commas, and a value of 1 would make it so that there would be a comma every third word

The sentenceLength property

This property determines the intervals for how long the sentences of latin words should be before ending them with a period. The following values are available:

Value Lower Bound Upper Bound
mixed 3 100
mixedLong 30 100
mixedShort 3 30
long 40 60
medium 20 40
short 3 20


in the editor:

# default: 100
:LoremIpsum <number_of_words>

# i.e.
:LoremIpsum 750

headless mode:

# print lorem ipsum words to the terminal 
# (default: 100)
nvim --headless \
  +'lua print(require("lorem").gen_words())' \

# print 500 words to the terminal
nvim --headless \
  +'lua print(require("lorem").gen_words(500))' \