
Optolink remains busy after first write

s0170071 opened this issue · 10 comments

using v1.00 P300 I use this routine for reading / writing:

bool readWriteDP (word address, byte Len, uint8_t* rawdata, bool Write = false ){
  unsigned long now = millis(); 
  while (myOptolink.isBusy() && ((millis()-now) < 3000)) 
        delay(10);  // wait for optolink to become available
  if (myOptolink.isBusy() ) { 
      Serial1.print(F("optolink busy "));
      return false;

  if (!Write) 
      myOptolink.readFromDP( address, Len);  // issue read command
      return myOptolink.writeToDP( address, Len, rawdata);

  while (((millis()-now) < 3000)){
        if (myOptolink.available() > 0) {
             return true; 
        if (myOptolink.available() < 0) {
          return false; 
  return false;

This works for reading quite fine until the first write attempt. I then get the message "optolink busy" . The write succeeded but blocks the optolink from then on. Serial output is:

READ 410500012000042a
RCV 41090101200004dc00b400bf
Address 2000 has value DC00B400 (<--this is my read access)
Address 2000 data DC00 (<--this is my write access)
WRITE 41070002200002dc0007
RCV 410501022000022a

Could you do me a favour and try with the print commands in setState and setAction uncommented in the lib source code? I can give only limited support untill monday as I haven't got access to my computer.

Successful read

Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
READ 410500010101020a
Optolink state: 7
RCV 41070101010102250133
Optolink state: 8
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
Optolink action: 0
Address 101 has value 2501

successful write

Address 2000 data E600
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
WRITE 41070002200002e60011
Optolink state: 7
RCV 410501022000022a
Optolink state: 8

failing reads since then

Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
optolink busy timeout

Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
optolink busy timeout

optolink busy timeout

Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
optolink busy timeout

Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
optolink busy timeout

enum OptolinkState : uint8_t { RESET = 0, RESET_ACK, INIT, INIT_ACK, IDLE, SEND, SEND_ACK, RECEIVE, RECEIVE_ACK } _state;
enum OptolinkAction : uint8_t { WAIT = 0, PROCESS, RETURN, RETURN_ERROR } _action;

2 pint I should try:

  • change delay(10); to myOptolink.loop();
    just waiting could fill the UART buffer but VitoWiFi doesn't do anything with the data untill loop() is called.
  • don't return at return myOptolink.writeToDP( address, Len, rawdata);. Just do the same as when reading.

I removed the return and added loop() below the delay.
read gives now:

WiFi connected
IP address:
Setup finished...
Optolink state: 1
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Optolink state: 0
Optolink state: 1
Optolink state: 0
Optolink state: 1
Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
READ 410500010500040f
Optolink state: 7
RCV 41090101050004092000003d
Optolink state: 8
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
Optolink action: 0
Address 500 has value 09200000

after some time:

Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4

writing gives:

Address 2000 data E600
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
WRITE 41070002200002e60011
Optolink state: 7
RCV 410501022000022a
Optolink state: 8
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
Optolink action: 0
Address 2000 has value E600

then reading :

Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
WRITE 41090002167004e60000007b
Optolink state: 7
RCV 4106030216700120
Optolink state: 8
nack, length
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 3
Optolink action: 0

puh, it writes now the address it should have read.

but that is determined outside this code block?

VitoWiFi handles correct right? You cannot write to that address and timeouts.
Am I missing something?

Changing between states 2-4 is automatically for syncing.

side note: I must admit that the sequential design of your program is not what I had in mind when creating VitoWiFi.

There is something off here. The library writes when it should read. It says so at least. Not sure what it actually does. I inserted some printfs just to make sure what I call:
The *** watch... line I inserted manually ;-)

   if (!Write) {
        Serial1.println("calling readFromDP");
        myOptolink.readFromDP( address, Len);  // issue read command
          Serial1.println("calling writeToDP");
         myOptolink.writeToDP( address, Len, rawdata);

The output of a boot, a read and a write is this:

WiFi connected
IP address:
Setup finished...
Optolink state: 1
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Optolink state: 0
Optolink state: 1
Address: 1670 Len: 4 data: 00000000
calling readFromDP
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 0
Optolink state: 1
Optolink state: 2
Optolink state: 3
Optolink state: 4
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
READ 4105000116700490
Optolink state: 7
RCV 41090101167004f21400009b
Optolink state: 8
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
Optolink action: 0
Address 1670 has value F2140000
TempL:  536.20
TempS:  242.00
STAT:   true
CountL: 5362.00
CountS: 5362.00
Mode:   242.00
Hours:  1.49
CoP:    24.20
Raw:    f2140000

Address: 2000 Len: 2 data: E600
calling writeToDP
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
WRITE 41070002200002e60011
Optolink state: 7
RCV 410501022000022a
Optolink state: 8
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 2
Optolink action: 0
Address 2000 has value E600
Address: 1670 Len: 4 data: E6000000

***** watch this: ********

calling readFromDP
Optolink action: 1
Optolink state: 5
Optolink state: 6
WRITE 41090002167004e60000007b
Optolink state: 7
RCV 4106030216700120
Optolink state: 8
nack, length
Optolink state: 4
Optolink action: 3
Optolink action: 0

In OptolinkP300.cpp change lines 320-323

  if (write) {
    memcpy(_value, value, _length);
    _writeMessageType = true;


  _writeMessageType = write;
  if (write) {
    memcpy(_value, value, _length);

That did the trick.