
ESP32 Communication issue

SReub opened this issue · 5 comments

SReub commented


I'm having problems to establish communication with the heater controller. When I attach the optolink nothing happens, serial monitor shows setup finished but then no data communication happens. I tried rebooting my heater system (required or not?) with ESP32 attached but that makes no difference. I'm not that familiar with serial communications so I'm having a hard time to debug this problem, could anyone assist based on my setup & info below? Is there a way to gain more insight in what could be failing? Any help/feedback would be much appreciated, thanks a lot!

Installation specifics


  • code (based on basic-esp32.ino) but with serial 2 pins:

This example defines three datapoints.
The first two are DPTemp type datapoints and have their own callback.
When no specific callback is attached to a datapoint, it uses the global callback.

Note the difference in return value between the callbacks:
for tempCallback uses value.getFloat() as DPTemp datapoints return a float.
globalCallback uses value.getString(char*,size_t). This method is independent of the returned type.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <VitoWiFi.h>

VitoWiFi_setProtocol(P300); //P300

DPTemp outsideTemp("outsideTemp", "boiler", 0x5525);
DPTemp boilerTemp("boilertemp", "boiler", 0x0810);
//DPStat pumpStat("pump", "heating1", 0x2906);

void tempCallbackHandler(const IDatapoint& dp, DPValue value) {
  float fahrenheit = 0;
  fahrenheit = (5.0 / 9) * (value.getFloat() + 32);
  Serial.print(" - ");
  Serial.print(": ");
  Serial.println(fahrenheit, 1);  // print with 1 decimal

void globalCallbackHandler(const IDatapoint& dp, DPValue value) {
  Serial.print(" - ");
  Serial.print(" is ");
  char value_str[15] = {0};
  value.getString(value_str, sizeof(value_str));

void setup() {
  VitoWiFi.setGlobalCallback(globalCallbackHandler);  // this callback will be used for all DPs without specific callback
                                                      // must be set after adding at least 1 datapoint
  VitoWiFi.setup(&Serial, 16, 17);  // RX then TX number
  Serial.println(F("Setup finished..."));

void loop() {
  static unsigned long lastMillis = 0;
  if (millis() - lastMillis > 60 * 1000UL) {  // read all values every 60 seconds
    lastMillis = millis();
  • Debugging:
    When running the code I get the explained behaviour, serial monitor only show feedback of setup then nothing… That is the only debug info I have.

17:05:55.270 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
17:05:55.270 -> load:0x3fff0018,len:4
17:05:55.270 -> load:0x3fff001c,len:1044
17:05:55.270 -> load:0x40078000,len:10124
17:05:55.374 -> load:0x40080400,len:5856
17:05:55.374 -> entry 0x400806a8
17:05:55.374 -> Setup finished...

To check the opto link I tested the IR led with a simple blink sketch and that worked fine, same thing with the IR transistor.

It's been a while since I used this lib because I don't have a Viessmann heater at the moment. So I can't test anything unfortunately. Anyway, I'm happy to help.

First things first, could you enable logging:

VitoWiFi.setLogger(Printer*) so vitoWiFi can print messages for debugging purposes.
VitoWiFi.enableLogger() or .disableLogger() enables or disables logging

SReub commented


When adding this logger I get a compiling error saying "Identifier Printer is undefined".

src/main.cpp: In function 'void setup()':
src/main.cpp:42:22: error: 'Printer' was not declared in this scope
src/main.cpp:42:22: note: suggested alternative: 'Print'
src/main.cpp:42:30: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token


void setup() {

Oh, I see the example has some flaws.

ESP32 has 3 UARTs and Arduino defines them as Serial, Serial1 and Serial2. USB is connected to Serial so better not use this. If I understand your picture, you use Serial2 to connect to your heater?

Then you should do (left out all the code, so cut and paste appropriately):

VitoWiFi.setup(&Serial2, 16, 17);  // I'm not 100% sure about the pin numbers
SReub commented

Great, I now get readings in the serial monitor. Thanks a lot!!

One more question: I have a global callback defined and I'm using VitoWiFi.readAll(); to read the bus, why do I only see the specific messages defined in the setup() and not all messages on the bus?

// Serial monitor:
Setup finished...
READ outsideTemp
READ boilertemp
READ 4105000155250282
RCV 4107010155250204018a
DP outsideTemp succes
outsideTemp: 26.0
READ 4105000108100220
RCV 41070101081002110135
DP boilertemp succes
boilertemp: 27.3

readAll reads all the DPs you defined in your program. So in your code, you defined outsideTemp and boilerTemp and that is what is being read. You have to define more if you want to read more. The optolink isn't an internal bus of the system, there isn't any traffic unless you request data.

The files in the /docs folder contain a large amount of datapoint for your system. I also have (had) a Vitotronic 200 with HO1C controller, a lot of the datapoints are correct.