
expected declaration before '}' token

zekageri opened this issue · 5 comments

In first compile with the librari :
expected declaration before '}' token in the esp32ModbusTypeDefs.h line 66.

I can't see where this error comes from...
How does your file compare to the file in this repo?
Are there any more error messages?

Remark: I had some problems with this lib and am rewriting completely from scratch.

Yes, i have got some more errors but i think all of it are related to this error.
Other error messages are two include errors. the stdint.h and the functional.
I don't know why these are here. I'am using PlatformIO ide with vscode and latest esp32 core in it with latest async lib.

You mean you cannot include stdint and functional? Well, if these things are not included, the file will not compile.

Surprising however because these files belong to the Arduino core and should be available when installign through Platformio.

They are included just the platformIO can not open them for some reason. I use my own library folder inside my project. Every library is in that folder. And some of them are using these libs too without a problem. :/