
Mini-project for the AML course at ITU

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Cluster GCN w. MLP Models

The repository was developed by: Bjarke Christensen, Bertram Højer, Karl Kieler & Oliver Jarvis

This project is a variation of the 'ogbn-products' classification task [https://ogb.stanford.edu/docs/nodeprop/#ogbn-products]. We attempt to solve a node-level classification task. The original dataset is a graph of amazon products purchased together where node-level features are PCA derived representations of a bag-of-words embedding of product descriptions. We have updated the graph such that node-level features are instead BERT-embeddings and compare a simple MLP model to a ClusterGCN model.


In order to train the embeddings models, the dataset is needed. The dataset can downloaded from here.


Once downloaded, add the .csv to the data folder.


Instead of downloading the data, you can also pre-process it yourself. This requires downloading the following files, unpacking them and adding them to the data folder.

Amazon-3M: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gsabsx8KR2N9jJz16jTcA0QASXsNuKnN/view?usp=sharing

nodeidx2asin.csv: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxWJ3e_Jfk9HCdOqKSEk3HMFqpylkgak/view?usp=share_link


Word embeddings are created using the 'SentenceTransformers' library for all original product descriptions. We used the MiniLM model [https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2]. All matching nodes in the graph have then been updated with the new embedding features. When updating the graph we go from 2.45M to 2.35M nodes.


Multi-Layer Perceptron

The MLP models were trained in google colab notebooks:

The MLP we train has a very simple architecture. We simply wanted to assess potential differences in using the graph structure of the problem for classification or simply using the embeddings. The difference in model size is due to differences in the embedding space of the BOW embeddings and the Sbert embeddings.

Embedding Parameters Acc. F1
BOW 221,999 73.6 % 72,2 %
BERT 367,457 86.6 % 86.2 %


General GCNs have a bottleneck in terms of efficiency and scalability. ClusterGCN attempts to combat this problem by partitioning the graph into subgraphs and performing convolutions on these to reduce time and memory complexity. The output of each cluster is aggregated to obtain the final prediction. The file for training is ogbn.py and ogbn_pca.py. The difference in model size is due to differences in the embedding space of the BOW embeddings and the Sbert embeddings.

Embedding Parameters Acc. F1
BOW 75,576 87.5 % 86.5 %
BERT 220,097 90.1 % 90.6 %

Repo structure

├── README.md
├── models
│   ├── bow-model-checkpoint-100.pt
│   ├── embedding-model-checkpoint-150.pt
│   ├── gcn_model_embedding_2layer_epoch500.pt
│   └── gcn_model_pca_2layer_epoch250.pt
├── requirements.txt
└── src
    ├── create_dataset.py
    ├── create_embeddings.py
    ├── create_graph_dataset.py
    ├── evaluation.ipynb
    ├── ogbn.py
    └── ogbn_pca.py