This is a free tool allowing to compute French incomes tax.
This script uses my scripts-common project.
usage: ./ -i|--incomes <incomes 1> [-c|--charges <charges 1>] [-d <charges 1.2>] [-u|--union <month>] [-k <incomes 1.2>] [-j <incomes 2>] [-l <incomes 2.2>] [-p|--part <part count>] [-r <bic incomes>] [-s <service incomes>] [-t <sell incomes>] [-z] [-y|--year <year of taxes>] [-h|--help]
-h|--help show this help
<incomes 1> incomes to manage for the whole year of the first part in case of union's year
<incomes 2> incomes of other people to manage for the whole year of the first part in case of union's year
<incomes 1.2> incomes to manage for the second part in case of union's year
<incomes 2.2> incomes of other people to manage for the second part in case of union's year
<charges> potential charges to manage for the whole year of the first part in case of union's year
<charges 1.2> potential charges to manage for the the second part in case of union's year
<part count> count of part (exclusive with -u|--union option)
<month> the month from which the union is concluded (can be something 1-12, to compute for each month) (exclusive with -p|--part option)
<bic incomes> incomes of EURL/SARL in RSI (BIC IR)
<service incomes> incomes of 'société individuelle' for 'prestation de services'
<sell incomes> incomes of 'société individuelle' for 'ventes accessoires'
-z indicates CGA for BIC IR
<year> year of taxes (default: 2019)
Computes incomes taxes for 1 person, with 10 000€ incomes, 1000€ charges:
./ -i 10000 -c 1000
Computes incomes taxes for 2 persons, with total 20 000€ incomes, and total 1000€ charges:
./ -i 20000 -c 1000 -p 2
You want to have an idea of the best month to be united?
./ -i 10000 -j 15000 -c 1000 -u 1-12
- computes APPROXIMATIVES incomes taxes for 2 persons united the 5th month
- with 10 000€ as first incomes,
- and 15 000€ as second incomes
- and a total charges of 1000€
./ -i 10000 -j 15000 -c 1000 -u 5
Just Married or PACSed:
- computes precise incomes taxes for 2 persons united the xx/yy/zz, with precise incomes
- first person: 3000€ earned from 01/01/zz to xx/yy/zz, and 7000€ earned from xx+1/12/zz
- second person: 1000€ then 400€ for same periods
- and precise charges, first person: 100€ then 400€ and second person: no charge
./ -i 3000 -k 7000 -j 1000 -l 400 -c 100 -d 400
Don't hesitate to contribute or to contact me if you want to improve the project. You can report issues or request features and propose merge requests.
The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.
This project is under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details