
Automated Topology Builder (ATB) molecule data object and output modules (PDB, YML, PICKLE, LGF, GRAPH)

Primary LanguagePython

Molecule Data (MolData) object


The main class is the MolData class defined in atb_outputs.mol_data. It takes a PDB string as input and returns a MolData object.

The MolData object can then be fed to any of the functions in atb_outputs.formats:

  • pdb()
  • yml()
  • pickle()
  • template_yml()
  • graph()
  • lgf()


from yaml import load

from atb_outputs.formats import pdb, g96, mol_data_dict, yml, pickle, template_yml, graph, lgf
from atb_outputs.mol_data import mol_data_from_mol_data_dict, MolData

def finalise_mol_data(m: MolData) -> MolData:
    m.var = {'REV_DATE': '', 'rnme': ''}
    m.completed = lambda x: False
    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('data/21.yaml') as fh:
        mol_data = finalise_mol_data(mol_data_from_mol_data_dict(load(fh)))

    for united in [True, False]:
        print(pdb(mol_data, united=united))
        print(g96(mol_data, united=united))

    m = finalise_mol_data(MolData('HETATM    1  C0  UNL     1      -3.254   2.034   1.801  1.00  0.00           C'))

        (pdb, {}),
        (g96, {'optimized': False}),
        #(mol_data_dict, {}),
        #(lgf, {}),
        #(graph, {}),

    for (output_function, output_kwargs) in ALL_OUTPUTS:
        print(output_function(m, **output_kwargs))