Background & Objectives

We want to build an anonymous wiki (like this one) where anyone can create a new article or update an existing one.


Here is our schema:

| Article        |
| title (string) |
| content (text) |

Use the right rails generator to generate the Article model.


Add the faker gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install. Use this gem to generate 10 fake articles in db/seeds.rb. When your code is done, you can run:

$ rake db:seed

Controller & Views

Generate your model, and implement all 7 CRUD default actions to list, show, create, update and destroy an article.

Once you're done, you should have a very nice wiki with all basic functionalities.

Markdown (Hard)

Add the redcarpet gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install. We want to use the Markdown syntax to write our articles content. Markdown is a simple and human-readable syntax which generates HTML. It is used everywhere, especially on GitHub.

Store some Markdown in your articles, and use the redcarpet gem to display the rendered text in the show view.

Code Editor (Very Hard, JavaScript)

Use the ace-rails-ap gem to use the ace editor in place of the simple text area.