
Streamlit tool to explore coco datasets

Primary LanguagePython

What is this

This tool given a coco annotations file and coco predictions file will let you explore your dataset, visualize results and calculate important metrics.

Running the explorer on example data

You can use the predictions i prepared and explore the results on the coco validation dataset the predictions are coming from a Mask RCNN model trained with mmdetection.

1 - Download (and extract in project directory) the labels, annotations and images:


2 - Setup using docker

sudo docker run -p 8501:8501 -it -v "$(pwd)"/coco_data:/coco_data i008/coco_explorer  \
    streamlit run  coco_explorer.py -- \
    --coco_train /coco_data/ground_truth_annotations.json \
    --coco_predictions /coco_data/predictions.json  \
    --images_path /coco_data/images/

2 - Setup using conda

conda env update
conda activate cocoexplorer
streamlit run coco_explorer.py -- --coco_train ./coco_data/ground_truth_annotations.json --coco_predictions ./coco_data/predictions.json  --images_path ./coco_data/val2017/

3 - go to localhost:8501

Running on your own data

In the same way you can explore your own results. Just follow the official COCO dataset format for annotations and predictions.


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