
Demos for OCR-D presentation at OCR@vDHd

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Demos OCR-D

Demo 0 - install ocrd_all or ocrd/all

Install OCR-D locally

Decide for native or Docker installation

Install (native)

git clone https://github.com/OCR-D/ocrd_all
cd ocrd_all
sudo make deps-ubuntu
make all
. venv/bin/activate

Install (Docker)

docker pull ocrd/all:maximum
# or:
docker pull ocrd/all:maximum-cuda
mkdir -p models data
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/data:/data -v ocrd-models:/models \
    ocrd/all:maximum bash

(Or, to share models between native and Docker, mount $HOME/.local/share/ocrd-resources instead of the named volume ocrd-models.)

Download models

ocrd resmgr list-available
ocrd resmgr download ocrd-tesserocr-recognize deu.traineddata
ocrd resmgr download ocrd-tesserocr-recognize Fraktur_GT4HistOCR.traineddata
ocrd resmgr download ocrd-calamari-recognize qurator-gt4histocr-1.0

Demo 1 - create workspace, run Tesseract

Start with a bunch of images, create workspace, run tesseract

Browse IA




wget 'https://archive.org/download/2917685.0001.001.umich.edu/2917685.0001.001.umich.edu_tif.zip'

Unzip and chdir

unzip 2917685.0001.001.umich.edu_tif.zip

Import images into new workspace

ocrd-import -i -P . 

Minimalist workflow

ocrd process "tesserocr-recognize -I OCR-D-IMG -O OCR-D-OCR-TESS -P segmentation_level region -P textequiv_level word -P find_tables true -P model deu"
# or equivalently:
ocrd-tesserocr-recognize -I OCR-D-IMG -O OCR-D-OCR-TESS -P segmentation_level region -P textequiv_level word -P find_tables true -P model deu

The results are in the OCR-D-OCR-TESS file group / folder.

Inspect results with browse-ocrd and JPageViewer

Visualize results with browse-ocrd and PRImA PageViewer

Demo 2 - clone workspace, more complex workflow

Start with a METS from SBB, run a more complex workflow on it

Select the METS XML from the "Vollständige Bibliografische Informationen"


Clone the workspace

ocrd workspace clone https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/PPN680203753.mets.xml

Inspect available file groups

ocrd workspace find -k fileGrp -k url -k mimetype

Download all images in DEFAULT file group

ocrd workspace find --file-grp DEFAULT --download

Run the second workflow example from the Workflow Guide

Since our file group is called DEFAULT, OCR-D-IMG must be replaced with DEFAULT here.

ocrd process \
  "cis-ocropy-binarize -I DEFAULT -O OCR-D-BIN" \
  "anybaseocr-crop -I OCR-D-BIN -O OCR-D-CROP" \
  "skimage-binarize -I OCR-D-CROP -O OCR-D-BIN2 -P method li" \
  "skimage-denoise -I OCR-D-BIN2 -O OCR-D-BIN-DENOISE -P level-of-operation page" \
  "tesserocr-deskew -I OCR-D-BIN-DENOISE -O OCR-D-BIN-DENOISE-DESKEW -P operation_level page" \
  "cis-ocropy-segment -I OCR-D-BIN-DENOISE-DESKEW -O OCR-D-SEG -P level-of-operation page" \
  "cis-ocropy-dewarp -I OCR-D-SEG -O OCR-D-SEG-LINE-RESEG-DEWARP" \
  "calamari-recognize -I OCR-D-SEG-LINE-RESEG-DEWARP -O OCR-D-OCR -P checkpoint_dir qurator-gt4histocr-1.0"

The results are in the OCR-D-OCR file group / folder.

Demo 3 - run various OCR engines on GT and evaluate

Download GT, process with calamari, evaluate with dinglehopper and ocrd-cor-asv-ann-evaluate

NOTE This demo is just to show how to do the evaluation. The choice of OCR engines, evaluation processors and models is entirely arbitrary and should not be seen as recommendation.

Browse to and download from OCR-D GT Repo

wget https://ocr-d-repo.scc.kit.edu/api/v1/dataresources/dda89351-7596-46eb-9736-593a5e9593d3/data/luz_blitz_1784.ocrd.zip

Extract the OCRD-ZIP

Extract the data subdirectory of the ZIP (which contains the workspace)

unzip luz_blitz_1784.ocrd.zip 'data/*'

Run small workflows for OCR results with Tesseract and Calamari, compare output

This workflow uses ocrd-olena-binarize (with the sauvola-ms-split algorithm) to binarize the images. The images are processed by two runs with Tesseract (using Fraktur_GT4HistOCR and deu) and one run with calamari (using qurator-gt4histocr-1.0).

ocrd process -m data/mets.xml \
  "olena-binarize -I OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE -O BIN" \
  "tesserocr-recognize -P segmentation_level word -P textequiv_level line -P find_tables true -P model Fraktur_GT4HistOCR -I BIN -O TESS-GT4HIST" \
  "tesserocr-recognize -P segmentation_level word -P textequiv_level line -P find_tables true -P model deu -I BIN -O TESS-DEU" \
  "calamari-recognize -P checkpoint_dir qurator-gt4histocr-1.0 -I BIN -O CALA-GT4HIST"

This allows us to compare the files in TESS-GT4HIST, TESS-DEU and CALA-GT4HIST with each other and with the GT in OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE.

Compare all the OCR results with the GT using ocrd-cor-asv-ann-evaluate

ocrd-cor-asv-ann-evaluate -m data/mets.xml -I OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE,TESS-GT4HIST,TESS-DEU,CALA-GT4HIST -O EVAL-ASV -P confusion 20 -P histogram true -P metric Levenshtein

The results are JSON files in the EVAL-ASV filegroup with line-by-line distance measures between all the engine.

data/EVAL-ASV/EVAL-ASV.json contains the metrics (CER mean and variance), top confusion table and cross-histogram for the full workspace:

    "num-lines": 110,
    "num-words": 681,
    "num-chars": 4425,
    "char-error-rate-mean": 0.029152542372881354,
    "char-error-rate-varia": 0.0028227334561707037,
    "word-error-rate-mean": 0.06754772393538913,
    "word-error-rate-varia": 0.017587853903811904,
    "char-error-worst-lines": [
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_24: avg=0.3333333333333333 len=57",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0001:tl_8: avg=0.1956521739130435 len=46",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_34: avg=0.15789473684210525 len=57",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_11: avg=0.11538461538461539 len=52",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_20: avg=0.08620689655172414 len=58",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0001:tl_5: avg=0.2222222222222222 len=18",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_33: avg=0.08 len=50",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_31: avg=0.07017543859649122 len=57",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0003:tl_16: avg=0.07692307692307693 len=52",
      "TESS-GT4HIST_0002:tl_22: avg=0.06976744186046512 len=43"
    "confusion": "([(20, ('⸗', '-')), (5, ('ſ', 's')), (3, ('—', '-')), (2, ('u', 'l')), (2, ('R', 'K')), (2, (')', '*)')), (2, (' ', '  ')), (2, (' ', '- ')), (2, ('⸗', ' ')), (1, (' f', 'f')), (1, (';', ' ;')), (1, ('“ ', ' ')), (1, ('t', 'r')), (1, ('.', '-')), (1, ('31', '1')), (1, ('ĩ', 'i')), (1, ('o', 's')), (1, ('r', 'e')), (1, ('g', ' g')), (1, ('e', '.'))], 98)",
    "histogram": "{'': (0, 0), ' ': (568, 577), \"'\": (1, 0), ')': (5, 6), '*': (0, 12), ',': (73, 75), '-': (1, 29), '.': (42, 45), '1': (6, 6), '3': (1, 0), '4': (1, 2), '5': (1, 0), '6': (1, 1), '7': (2, 2), '8': (2, 2), '9': (1, 0), ';': (12, 12), 'A': (8, 7), 'B': (16, 16), 'C': (13, 13), 'D': (11, 11), 'E': (10, 10), 'F': (19, 19), 'G': (19, 20), 'H': (13, 13), 'I': (3, 3), 'J': (6, 6), 'K': (15, 16), 'L': (9, 9), 'M': (27, 26), 'N': (7, 6), 'O': (7, 5), 'P': (10, 10), 'R': (17, 15), 'S': (26, 26), 'T': (3, 3), 'U': (5, 6), 'V': (2, 2), 'W': (17, 17), 'X': (2, 0), 'a': (207, 208), 'b': (58, 56), 'c': (108, 110), 'd': (153, 154), 'e': (633, 636), 'f': (42, 41), 'g': (97, 97), 'h': (158, 159), 'i': (222, 226), 'j': (4, 4), 'k': (20, 19), 'l': (149, 154), 'm': (79, 79), 'n': (354, 357), 'o': (84, 86), 'p': (12, 12), 'r': (294, 297), 's': (41, 48), 't': (203, 203), 'u': (182, 180), 'v': (25, 23), 'w': (34, 33), 'x': (2, 2), 'y': (6, 5), 'z': (49, 50), 'ß': (21, 21), 'ĩ': (1, 0), 'ſ': (126, 124), 'ͤ': (46, 46), '—': (4, 0), '“': (2, 0), '⸗': (25, 0), 'ꝛ': (2, 2)}"
    "num-lines": 110,
    "num-words": 687,
    "num-chars": 4512,
    "char-error-rate-mean": 0.13275709219858156,
    "char-error-rate-varia": 0.00918901578865769,
    "word-error-rate-mean": 0.45269286754002913,
    "word-error-rate-varia": 0.05257592584016565,
    "char-error-worst-lines": [
      "TESS-DEU_0003:tl_34: avg=0.2542372881355932 len=59",
      "TESS-DEU_0004:tl_16: avg=0.2542372881355932 len=59",
      "TESS-DEU_0004:tl_8: avg=0.2641509433962264 len=53",
      "TESS-DEU_0001:tl_5: avg=0.7222222222222222 len=18",
      "TESS-DEU_0002:tl_26: avg=0.4482758620689655 len=29",
      "TESS-DEU_0001:tl_8: avg=0.25 len=48",
      "TESS-DEU_0002:tl_22: avg=0.2608695652173913 len=46",
      "TESS-DEU_0004:tl_33: avg=0.2222222222222222 len=54",
      "TESS-DEU_0002:tl_19: avg=0.21153846153846154 len=52",
      "TESS-DEU_0002:tl_18: avg=0.2391304347826087 len=46"
    "confusion": "([(99, ('f', 'ſ')), (15, (',', '.')), (11, ('ü', 'uͤ')), (10, ('ö', 'oͤ')), (9, (' ,', ',')), (9, ('b', 'd')), (9, ('ä', 'aͤ')), (9, ('s', '-')), (8, ('S', 'G')), (8, ('f', 'k')), (7, ('r', 't')), (6, ('(', 'ſ')), (6, ('u', 'uͤ')), (6, ('b', 'h')), (5, ('a', 'g')), (5, ('ß', 't')), (4, ('t', 'i')), (4, ('c', 't')), (4, ('F', 'k')), (4, ('. ', ' '))], 541)",
    "histogram": "{'': (0, 0), ' ': (589, 577), '%': (1, 0), '&': (2, 0), '(': (9, 0), ')': (6, 6), '*': (8, 12), ',': (95, 75), '-': (2, 29), '.': (31, 45), '0': (5, 0), '1': (7, 6), '2': (2, 0), '3': (2, 0), '4': (1, 2), '6': (2, 1), '7': (2, 2), '8': (4, 2), '9': (1, 0), ':': (5, 0), ';': (12, 12), '=': (1, 0), 'A': (6, 7), 'B': (16, 16), 'C': (13, 13), 'D': (19, 11), 'E': (11, 10), 'F': (18, 19), 'G': (9, 20), 'H': (15, 13), 'I': (8, 3), 'J': (1, 6), 'K': (16, 16), 'L': (2, 9), 'M': (34, 26), 'N': (18, 6), 'O': (6, 5), 'P': (10, 10), 'Q': (1, 0), 'R': (15, 15), 'S': (43, 26), 'T': (5, 3), 'U': (5, 6), 'V': (0, 2), 'W': (16, 17), 'Y': (6, 0), 'Z': (2, 0), 'a': (209, 208), 'b': (70, 56), 'c': (100, 110), 'd': (140, 154), 'e': (640, 636), 'f': (167, 41), 'g': (95, 97), 'h': (154, 159), 'i': (217, 226), 'j': (8, 4), 'k': (12, 19), 'l': (145, 154), 'm': (76, 79), 'n': (348, 357), 'o': (73, 86), 'p': (13, 12), 'r': (305, 297), 's': (55, 48), 't': (188, 203), 'u': (167, 180), 'v': (24, 23), 'w': (31, 33), 'x': (1, 2), 'y': (5, 5), 'z': (37, 50), '{': (5, 0), '»': (1, 0), 'Ö': (2, 0), 'ß': (26, 21), 'ä': (11, 0), 'ö': (10, 0), 'ü': (11, 0), 'ı': (3, 0), 'ſ': (0, 124), 'ͤ': (0, 46), '‘': (2, 0), '‚': (2, 0), '„': (1, 0), 'ꝛ': (0, 2)}"
    "num-lines": 110,
    "num-words": 681,
    "num-chars": 4431,
    "char-error-rate-mean": 0.05010155721056195,
    "char-error-rate-varia": 0.018576747799237615,
    "word-error-rate-mean": 0.09985315712187959,
    "word-error-rate-varia": 0.044143278439499986,
    "char-error-worst-lines": [
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_34: avg=0.8333333333333334 len=60",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_32: avg=0.625 len=56",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_33: avg=0.6538461538461539 len=52",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_35: avg=0.10638297872340426 len=47",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0001:tl_8: avg=0.09302325581395349 len=43",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0001:tl_5: avg=0.2222222222222222 len=18",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_31: avg=0.07017543859649122 len=57",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_22: avg=0.07407407407407407 len=54",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_20: avg=0.06896551724137931 len=58",
      "CALA-GT4HIST_0003:tl_10: avg=0.08888888888888889 len=45"
    "confusion": "([(20, ('⸗', '-')), (6, ('e', 'c')), (4, ('ſ', 's')), (3, ('.', '-')), (3, ('J', 'I')), (2, (')', '***)')), (2, (')', '**)')), (2, ('u', 'uͤ')), (2, (' ', '- ')), (2, ('⸗', ' ')), (1, ('ß', 'z')), (1, (';', ' ;')), (1, (' r', 'r')), (1, (' 1', '1')), (1, ('I1', '1')), (1, ('r', 's')), (1, ('u', 'eu')), (1, ('c', 'ec')), (1, ('BK', 'K')), (1, (' ', '.'))], 121)",
    "histogram": "{'': (0, 0), ' ': (572, 577), ')': (6, 6), '*': (0, 12), ',': (67, 75), '-': (1, 29), '.': (44, 45), '/': (2, 0), '1': (5, 6), '4': (2, 2), '6': (1, 1), '7': (2, 2), '8': (2, 2), ';': (12, 12), 'A': (7, 7), 'B': (17, 16), 'C': (13, 13), 'D': (11, 11), 'E': (10, 10), 'F': (18, 19), 'G': (19, 20), 'H': (11, 13), 'I': (1, 3), 'J': (10, 6), 'K': (13, 16), 'L': (9, 9), 'M': (27, 26), 'N': (5, 6), 'O': (5, 5), 'P': (9, 10), 'R': (15, 15), 'S': (23, 26), 'T': (3, 3), 'U': (5, 6), 'V': (2, 2), 'W': (17, 17), 'a': (207, 208), 'b': (56, 56), 'c': (96, 110), 'd': (149, 154), 'e': (625, 636), 'f': (41, 41), 'g': (95, 97), 'h': (153, 159), 'i': (224, 226), 'j': (5, 4), 'k': (19, 19), 'l': (147, 154), 'm': (78, 79), 'n': (352, 357), 'o': (85, 86), 'p': (11, 12), 'r': (289, 297), 's': (43, 48), 't': (203, 203), 'u': (175, 180), 'v': (23, 23), 'w': (32, 33), 'x': (2, 2), 'y': (5, 5), 'z': (46, 50), 'ß': (22, 21), 'ſ': (126, 124), 'ͤ': (42, 46), '⸗': (23, 0), 'ꝛ': (1, 2)}"

data/EVAL-ASV/EVAL-ASV_0003.json contains the metrics for each line of page 3.

Compare Calamari output with GT using ocrd-dinglehopper

ocrd-dinglehopper -m data/mets.xml -P textequiv_level line -I OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE,CALA-GT4HIST -O EVAL-DINGLE

The result are HTML files (Diff View) and JSON files (with CER and WER).

HTML for page 3:

JSON for page 3:

    "gt": "OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE/OCR-D-GT-SEG-LINE_0003.xml",
    "ocr": "CALA-GT4HIST/CALA-GT4HIST_0003.xml",

    "cer": 0.07770472205618649,
    "wer": 0.1320754716981132,

    "n_characters": 1673,
    "n_words": 265

Visualize with browse-ocrd

Show diff view in browse-ocrd (https://github.com/hnesk/browse-ocrd/tree/diff-view)

browse-ocrd data/mets.xml

Demo 4 - makefiles

Recreate demo1 and demo2 via equivalent makefiles

Try to build

ocrd-make -f demo1.mk demo1
ocrd-make -f demo2.mk demo2

make[1]: Entering directory 'demo1' make[1]: 'OCR-D-OCR-TESS' is up to date. make[1]: Leaving directory 'demo1' make[1]: Entering directory 'demo2' make[1]: 'OCR-D-OCR is up to date. make[1]: Leaving directory 'demo2'

Trigger rebuild

touch demo1/OCR-D-IMG demo2/DEFAULT
ocrd-make -f demo1.mk demo1
ocrd-make -f demo2.mk demo2