Our topic modeling visualisation is currently derived from the very nice and useful LDAvis package.
The sbb_web-integration package contains an adapted version of the html/js visualisation interface of LDAvis that has been extended such that it can switch between different topic models and provides links into wikidata and the digitalized collections of the SBB.
Clone this project, SBB-utils, and SBB-web-integration.
Setup virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Upgrade pip:
pip install -U pip
Install packages together with their dependencies in development mode:
pip install -e sbb_utils
pip install -e sbb_topic-modelling
Additionally for visualization:
pip install -e sbb_web-integration
Complete processing chain can be found in the Makefile.
lda-grid-search --help
Perform LDA-evaluation in a grid-search over different parameters.
OUT_FILE: Store results of the grid search as pickled pandas DataFrame in
this file.
CORPUS_FILE: Read the text corpus as pickled dataframe from this file.
DOCS_FILE: Read the documents as pickled dataframe (required to evalute
coherence model c_v) from this file.
--num-runs INTEGER Repeat each experiment num-runs times.
Default 10
--max-passes INTEGER Max number of passes through the data.
Default 50
--passes-step INTEGER Increase number of passes by this step size.
Default 5.
--max-topics INTEGER Max number of topics in LDA topic model.
Default 100.
--topic-step INTEGER Increase number of topics by this step size.
Default 10.
--coherence-model [c_v|u_mass] Which coherence model to use. Default: c_v.
--processes INTEGER Number of workers. Default 4.
--mods-info-file PATH Read MODS info from this file.
--gen-vis-data Generate visualisation JSON data (LDAvis)
for each tested grid configuration.
--mini-batch-size INTEGER Mini-batch size. Default 2048
--help Show this message and exit.
run-lda --help
Reads entity linking data from SQLITE_FILE. Computes LDA-topic model and
stores it in MODEL_FILE.
--num-topics INTEGER Number of topics in LDA topic model. Default 10.
--entities-file TEXT Knowledge-base of entity linking step.
--processes INTEGER Number of workers.
--corpus-file TEXT Write corpus to this file.
--min-proba FLOAT Minimum probability of counted entities.
--help Show this message and exit.
Run sbb_web-integration webservice like:
env CONFIG=config.json env FLASK_APP=qurator/webapp/app.py env FLASK_ENV=development env flask run --host= --port=8000
Topic modeling interface can be found at: http://localhost:8000/ldavis.html .
Configuration of displayed topic models is done via config.json.