Shock Forest Bot

Shock Forest Bot is a Telegram bot that collects and archives chat messages from the Shock Forest Group’s Telegram chat group. These messages are stored in a PostgreSQL database, ordered by hashtag and exposed via an API.

Shock Forest Log

This API is used by the Shock Forest Log display all messages, grouped by hashtag. The source code of the Shock Forest Log is also available on GitHub.


Shock Forest Bot expects the following environment variables to be set (or you can place them in a .env file):

Environment variable Description
PORT API server port
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN Telegram bot token
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL database URL
AWS_REGION AWS region for S3
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key for S3
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key for S3
AWS_S3_BUCKET AWS S3 bucket name
CHAT_IDS Comma-separated list of Telegram chat group IDs that will be monitored by the Shock Forest Bot
PRIVATE_HASHTAGS Comma-separated list of Hashtags that will not be stored in the database

Run locally:

npm run start

Deploy to Heroku:

git push heroku master