
This project was done for the OS lesson.

Primary LanguageC

Sorting with Multi thread

This project was done for the OS lesson.


First, a randomly generated array of 800 elements and elements must be created. The values of elements must be unique. The program will create 3 threads. Sorting index of the first element 300 first thread, the second thread will sort of element 500. After both threads have finished sorting, the third thread will perform the join operation by taking the first thread's sorted and second thread's sorted sequences. At the end of the merge process, there should be a new sequence sorted. That is, sorting should be done while joining. In the last step, the elements in the list need to be printed in the file called "son.txt" which will be created in the program run directory.


- Onur Hüseyin Çantay
- Bertuğ YILMAZ