
Small web code editor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Instant, small, and flexible code snippets editor


npm install qedit


<script src="path/to/lib/qedit.js">

And include basic styles:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/lib/qedit.css">


The basic structure consist in three wrappers: div > pre > code. The main div wrapper is enhanced with the editor functionality, while the pre > code combo is the standard HTML5 to embed source code.

<div class="qedit">
  <pre><code>function hello() {
  return 'world';

Then you init the editor with create(container):

import Qedit from 'qedit';


If you call Qedit.create() without a container element (or null), it'll look for and instantiate all elements with class name .qedit.

Syntax highlighter

By default, there is no syntax highlighting when creating a Qedit instance. However, the library ships with three plugins for different highlighters you can include in the options param:


import Qedit from 'qedit';
import QeditPrism from 'qedit/plugins/prism';

Qedit.create(document.querySelector('.qedit'), {
  render: QeditPrism,

Don't forget to npm install prism or include it in a script tag.


import Qedit from 'qedit';
import QeditHljs from 'qedit/plugins/hljs';

Qedit.create(document.querySelector('.qedit'), {
  render: QeditHljs,

Don't forget to npm install highlight.js or include it in a script tag.

Code Prettify

import Qedit from 'qedit';
import QeditPrettify from 'qedit/plugins/prettify';

Qedit.create(document.querySelector('.qedit'), {
  render: QeditPrettify,

Don't forget to npm install code-prettify or include it in a script tag.


Qedit plugins are simply defined as functions called on editor initialization with the editor instance as only argument. Plugins are listed in the plugins array of the options param.


Currently the only plugin shipped with the library:

import Qedit from 'qedit';
import QeditPrettier from 'qedit/plugins/prettier';

Qedit.create(document.querySelector('.qedit'), {
  plugins: [QeditPrettier()],

Optionally, you can configure the plugin passing an options object. The defaults are:

  plugins: [QeditPrettier({
    trigger: 'ctrl+enter',
    formatOnInit: false,
    prettierOptions: { parser: 'babel' },

Don't forget to npm install prettier or include it in a script tag (along with prettier/parser-babel if you use the default behavior).

Options and defaults

Qedit.create(null, {
  language: null, // if null, it'll look for the container class .language-xxxx
  indentation: '  ', // what to insert/remove when pressing tab/shift+tab
  triggersIndent: ['{', '(', '[', ':'], // characters that add indentation on line break
  triggersDedent: ['}', ')', ']'], // characters that removes indentation
  highlightBracketPairs: true, // whether to highlight matching bracket pairs or not
  pairOpen: ['{', '(', '['], // pairs to highlight
  pairClose: ['}', ')', ']'], // matching pair in same order as in pairOpen
  autoPairs: { '{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']', '<': '>', '"': '"', "'": "'" }, // pairs to automatically insert
  showLineNumbers: false, // whether to show line numbers or not
  plugins: [], // List of plugins
  render: (code, el) => { el.textContent = code + '\u200B' }, // rendering function