
A bunch of (mostly Bash) scripts that may be useful. Or not.

Primary LanguageShell


A bunch of scripts, a.o.:

  • addtodos.rb -- Add multiple todo items grouped by context to todo.txt
  • add-vim-bundle.sh -- Clone a Git repo of a Vim plugin into the bundle directory as a submodule.
  • backup.sh -- backup my home directory
  • cleanup-downloads.sh -- remove old files from ~/Downloads
  • createdb.sh -- create a database and user on a remote MySQL server
  • netconf.py -- Overview of network settings for troubleshooting
  • screencast.sh -- record a screencast with avconv (ffmpeg)
  • shortpw.sh -- generate short random passwords (uses APG)

Older scripts that may not work or be useful anymore:

  • buildcp.sh -- build a $CLASSPATH from jars in a directory tree
  • filter\_mtg\_spoiler.sh -- filter names and rarities from MtG text spoiler file
  • fixmenu.sh -- move window buttons in Ubuntu to the left, where they belong
  • get\_podiobook.sh -- download all episodes of a book on podiobook.com
  • jabref.sh -- start JabRef
  • loki\_mirror.sh -- simple backup script
  • longpw.sh -- generate passphrase, as suggested by http://xkcd.com/936/
  • sbt.sh -- start Scala's Simple Build Tool
  • sbt\_skel.sh -- create a skeleton for a project managed by SBT
  • shortpw.sh -- generate short passwords
  • stopscreencast.sh -- stop recording with avconv

Some are old and no longer useful...