Starter files for MP2


Use the following commands in your vagrant development environment to get this up and running

git clone --bare
cd mp2_starter.git
git push --mirror
# Mirror-push to your mp2 repository. Use your github username in the URL. Change the URL if you're using bitbucket.
cd ..
rm -rf mp2_starter.git

git clone
cd mp2_starter
npm install
bower install
grunt compass
grunt uglify


You should edit the following:

  • public/index.html - all files in the public folder will be served by the server
  • source_sass folder's files - all sass files here will be compiled to public/css/styles.css
  • source_js folder's files - all javascript files here will be uglified and put in public/js/script.js
  • public/foundation6_lib/scss/_settings.scss - Edit this file to make changes to the foundation components. Do not touch other files in this folder. All the foundation scss files here will be compiled and put in public/foundation6_lib/css/foundation.css

You can leave this command running in the background while development for livereloading:


Publishing & Submitting

When cloning to the server, run the setup commands again to ensure all the files are properly compiled.

Also, if you have problems debugging your JavaScript due to uglification, you can disable it by commenting out line 46 of gruntfile.js and uncommenting line 47. Your final submission should work with uglification though.