
Battleship Game

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Battleship Game [Java]


Implementation of the Battleship game in Java.

Works with 2 players on a 10x10 Grid with 7 ships:

Length Amount
1 2
2 2
3 1
4 1
5 1

Ships can't overlap or be adjacent.

On a side note, Client GUI has permanent Dark Mode.


This project uses openjdk 8 with the bundled openjfk 8

(JavaFX is required only by the client GUI)


By default the server listen for connections on the port 12345


java -jar battleship-client-[CLIENT_VERSION].jar


java -jar battleship-server-[CLIENT_VERSION].jar

Project structure

  • battleship-server Server project
  • battleship-client Client project
  • battlehsip-util Utils required by both project to build



requires battleship.util.*

cd Battleship/battleship-server/
./gradlew fatJar


requires battleship.util.*

cd Battleship/battleship-client/
./gradlew fatJar

Protocol definition

All X's and Y's coordinates are in the range 1-10.

As soon as a player sank all the opponent ships, the game ends.


Ships are in the format XXYYHLL

  • xx Column
  • yy Row
  • [HV] Orientation
  • LL Length


Shoots are in the format SHOOT_XXYY

  • xx Column
  • yy Row


Upon connecting to the server, OPPONENT_WAIT is sent and client must wait until another player is matched. When an opponent is found OPPONENT_FOUND is then received by the client.

SEND_GRID informs the client that server is ready to receive the ships layout. Client should respond with all 7 ships joined by '_' character (the order doesn't matter).

If the grid complies with the requirements, GRID_OK is sent. Otherwise GRID_ERR is sent and server asks for a new grid.

When both players send a valid grid, GAME_START is sent and the game begins.

A player turn start's with TURN_START and ends with TURN_END. After a client shoot in his turn, the server may respond with:

Response Description
HIT A ship was hit but not sank.
OCEAN No ships were hit.
SANK(_XXYY){1,n} A ship has been sunk. The cells of the sank ship are joined by '_' and returned next to the response. E.g. SANK_0101_0102
DUPLICATE This cell has already been shot. Try another one.

In case of HIT, OCEAN and SANK_..., the same response is sent to the other player. In addition, for the HIT and OCEAN responses, the cell shot is added next to response e.g. HIT_0101.

After a shoot, if a player sank all the opponent ships, WIN and LOST_... are sent to the corresponding players and the game ends.

LOST_XXYY_... message contains all the remaining ships cells.

if during the match or during the placement of the ships, the opponent disconnects, the server ends the game and send WIN_OPPONENT_DC to the player.


Managed by the Server classes: HeartbeatManager, HeartbeatClient.

Server requires that the client is constantly up. To ensure client availability, if nothing is received after the amount of time defined in disconnectTimeout (2s by default) the client is considered unavailable and is disconnected from the server.

To keep a client alive a constant sending of PING messagges before the disconnect timeout runs out, is required.