logo Tweets

Fedora Visual Studio Code JavaScript NPM React React Router Redux Styled Components ESLint Github Pages GitHub Actions

App with tweet cards and button-click interactivity.

This project was created with Create React App.

Technology Stack: React.js, React-Router-Dom, React-Loader-spinner, React-Redux, Redux-Toolkit, Axios, Styled-Cmponent, GitHub-Pages, MockAPI.

How it works

How it works

  1. In the header, you can switch between pages using navigation.
  2. You can choose which users to show (All/followed/unfollowed).
  3. You can change the following status of the user, the number of his followers will also be changed.
  4. 3 users are loaded on the page with each click on the "Next" button.


Problems encountered:

The MockAPI service does not return the total number of objects in the collection, because of this, two requests are made to the server instead of one.

Project setup

npm install
npm run start


yarn start