
Neural network trained to detect my cats

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CatFaces - Train a neural network to detect cat fur

This repo includes the source code to train a neural network to detect my cats name based on their fur. This approach can be applied to any monitoring camera with limited and recurrent traffic detected.

There are 4 main steps :

  1. Prepare the dataset extracted from a video monitoring file created through motion detection ;
  2. Train & export the deep neural network to be able associate cat fur to a cat name (this requires a GPU)
  3. Test the neural network against a new dataset through command line
  4. Create a microservice able to respond to REST API call to detect a cat in a picture

1. Prepare the dataset

The dataset is based on a video monitoring file which is built from the Motion software. Each frame is extracted in a folder ('images/'); for example in the picture below #1 and #2 are frames directly extracted from the video file through the following command line :

ffmpeg -i cat.avi cat%4d.jpg

Then a reference frame is chosen where there is no motion object : here frame #1 is our 'reference.jpg' file which will be used to detect any motion objects. The masking techniques are applied (images #3 and #4) to detect pixel difference between the 2 pictures and only large deltas are kept. This leads to picture #5 detecting the cat itself; it is then easy to extract the sample as in #6.

Batch processing can be achieved through this command line:

python process.py -r reference.jpg -s images/ -t extract/

Have a look to this repository to check the extracts thru this process : https://github.com/besn0847/catfaces/tree/master/dataset/mikado

Finally, you have to classify one by one each thumbnail in the dataset folder with the name of the animal. The dataset is ready for training.

Data extraction process

2. Train & export the deep neural network

Next step is to train the network and this is better achieved using a GPU unless wanting to wait for long hours. Simply launch the following command line (use the Docker image from https://cloud.docker.com/u/besn0847/repository/docker/besn0847/x86-tfcv2)

python train_cnn.py -d dataset/

This will result into three files :

  • cat_labels.bin : the cat name label file
  • cat_model_architecture.json : the neural network architecture
  • cat_neural_model.h5 : the neural network trained weights

A minimum 100+ pictures per animal is required as well as some thumbnails for false positives classified as 'nocat'.

3. Test your trained network

You can easily test your trained network with the following command line :

python cnn.py -m cat_model_architecture.json -w cat_neural_model.h5 -l cat_labels.bin -i testset/bagguy/extract001.jpg

The result looks like :

Cat: bagguy with probability: 0.9976345

We are now ready to proceed to expose the algorithm thru a webservice.

4. Expose the model thru a webservice

Simply use the startup script to launch a microservice thru :

docker run -ti --name catfaces -v ./Volumes/catfaces/:/conf/ -p 5000:5000 --entrypoint /startup.sh catfaces

And you can simply curl the image to get the same result :

curl -X PUT -F image_file=@testset/bagguy/extract001.jpg http://localhost:5000/process

Result will be the same as in section 3.

5. Acknowledgment

Most of the ideas and code is coming from Adrian Rosebrock at https://www.pyimagesearch.com/. I learnt a lot from your outstanding websites and tutorials. Merci !