
.NET Core program for a virtual production line for a IoTCentral Demo

Primary LanguageC#


.NET Core program for a virtual production line for a IoTCentral Demo which also demonstrates the X509 CA auto provisioning feature

Connection Options

It is possible to specify in App.config

  1. IoT Hub (X509 CA)
    <add key="IOT_HUB_URI" value="iothub url"/>
    <add key="DEVICE_CERTIFICATE" value="pfx"/>
    <add key="device_id" value="deviceid"/>
  2. IoT Central SAS Connection String
    <add key="device_conn_str" value="IoT Central SAS Connection string"/>
  3. Device Provisioning Service (X509 CA)
    <add key="DEVICE_CERTIFICATE" value="location of pfx"/>
    <add key="DPS_IDSCOPE" value="DPS scopeid"/>
    <add key="PASSWORD" value="password of certificate"/>

It is also possible to run as Docker Container

  1. Device Provisioning Service (X509 CA) you have to copy your pfx file(s) in the base image into the /app folder
    docker run -e "DEVICE_CERTIFICATE=location of pfx" -e "DPS_IDSCOPE=DPS scopeid" -e "PASSWORDpassword of certificate" <container-name>

Prebuilt docker container


docker pull florianbespin/dev-factory-iotcentral

Build Docker container

docker build -t <dev-container-name> .

Push Docker container to repo

docker tag <dev-container-name> <your-repository-name>/<container-name>
docker push <your-repository-name>/<container-name>

Cleanup Docker build temp containers

docker rm $(docker ps --all -q --no-trunc)
docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)

Execute on ACI (Azure Container Instances)

az container create -g IoTCentralDemo -l japaneast -f ProductionGroupKorea.yaml
az container create -g IoTCentralDemo -l northeurope -f ProductionGroupGermany.yaml