
My Personal User Manual

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Personal User Manual Template

Welcome to the Personal User Manual Template! Simply click "Use this template" above to create your own copy. You may want to read The Pitch/Anti-Pitch for Personal User Manuals first. Thanks to Camin McCluskey for this template.

Serving Your Personal User Manual as a Website


  1. Click "Use this template" above to create a copy in your Github space. For help with this see here.
  2. Change the repository name to personal-user-manual.
  3. Edit the sections below to make it uniquely yours. Remember to delete everything inside the the <details> tags to remove the help tips.
  4. Go to Settings and scroll down to Github Pages then change the source to master. You can also set a new theme here.
  5. Visit https://<your-github-username>.github.io/personal-user-manual to see your work!

About Me

I grew up in Los Angeles but have called New York City home for the last decade. I am Taiwanese-American. I studied Business at the UCLA-National University of Singapore joint executive MBA program. I'm a big foodie, and you can follow my food insta @bessie_eats

What is your style?

I can come across as blunt and as either enthusiastic or overly intense. I am willing to try things even if they may fail because thought exercises can lead to different way to looking at or solving the problem. I like being right, but I change my mind if arguments are compelling. Having the right information is very important to me because I have a curious nature. I enjoy conflict

When do you like people to approach you and how?

I like when people are prepared and come with potential solutions to workshop, even if incomplete, versus just problems. I appreciate straight direct communication - in fact, I am not great at contextual clues. Credibility matters to me. If you haven’t done the work, don’t expect me to take you seriously. I expect the same from myself

What do you value?

Integrity and honesty Thoughtfulness and curiosity Hard work combined with smart work Willingness to admit failure Flexibility and adaptability

How do you like people to communicate with you?

I prefer e-mail for async communications - will get back within a day I tend to work in pomodoros so work actually gets done, so it may take ½ hr to get back on Slack I am not the most responsive on text and can forget to respond. If it’s urgent, call me

Favorite working conditions

Flexibility is most important to me I like to collaborate, but focus time is important. I try hard not to get on the “meeting treadmill” where you end up treading water with discussions but not enough time to execute Emergencies are fine, but I generally draw clear boundaries between the hours I’m working and not. I take my relationships and personal obligations very seriously and have the same respect for others.

How do you make decisions?

A mix of information and looking at future possibilities even if the data may not be available Weighing everyone’s opinions and larger context I generally believe in playing the long game, but know quick wins need to be distributed on a regular cadence

How can people help you?

Point out what I’m not seeing. Fill me in on the details and context. If I haven’t brought it up, it is most likely I am being totally clueless. I don’t have a problem with saying I’m intentionally not doing x, y, z. Let me know if I or a situation is overwhelming them

What people misunderstand about me

I’m willing to change my mind with facts and arguments. People mistake my enthusiasm and enjoyment of arguing for fixed ideas, but I believe one of the best things I can do is advocate for positions based on that energy and am willing to advocate for the ideas and accomplishments of others, not just my own.

Blind Spots

My decisiveness and presence can turn people off. I can get frustrated if I perceive others are not working as hard or have the same sense of urgency as me, but I can accept that my priorities are different if I am informed of them. On the flipside of that, I sometimes have trouble expressing urgency and am generally calmer as pressure goes up, but sometimes people misinterpret that as me not caring or emotionally distant vs me trying to turn down the temperature to focus.

What will you not tolerate in others?

Unethical behavior. Bigoted behavior, eg. sexism and treating people as less than based on immutable innate traits. Lack of effort with no excuses