
Grunt task for copying files to azure storage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Grunt plugin for for uploading files to Azure Blob Storage. Wraps a vanilla node package https://github.com/bestander/deploy-azure-cdn. It is perfect for deploying compiled assets to Microsoft Azure CDN as a last step in a Continuous Integration setup.


  • Ability to execute a "dry run" of deployment. The logging will indicate all files that will be deleted or uploaded but no actual changes to the blob storage will be done
  • Ability to gzip content and set a proper content encoding. If gzipped file becomes larger than original then only the original file will be uploaded
  • Ability to recursively remove files in a path of Azure Blob Storage
  • Ability to control number of concurrent files to be uploaded to avoid network congestion
  • Grunt and gulp plugins available


npm install grunt-azure-cdn-deploy


Deploying a set of files to a path in blob storage

    'azure-cdn-deploy': {
      app: {
        options: {
          containerName: 'test', // container name in blob
          serviceOptions: ['blobstoragename', '/OwQ/MyLongSecretStringFromAzureConfigPanel'], // custom arguments to azure.createBlobService
          folder: '1.2.35-b27', // path within container
          zip: true, // gzip files if they become smaller after zipping, content-encoding header will change if file is zipped
          deleteExistingBlobs: true, // true means recursively deleting anything under folder
          concurrentUploadThreads: 10, // number of concurrent uploads, choose best for your network condition
          metadata: {
            cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31530000', // cache in browser
            cacheControlHeader: 'public, max-age=31530000' // cache in azure CDN. As this data does not change, we set it to 1 year
          testRun: false // test run - means no blobs will be actually deleted or uploaded, see log messages for details
        src: [
        cwd: './node_modules/deploy-azure-cdn'



grunt azure-cdn-deploy --debug

To see the log of deleted and uploaded files


  • deployOptions - azure cdn and upload configs
    • serviceOptions: [] - custom arguments to azure.createBlobService, or you can use Azure SDK environment variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY
    • containerName: null - container name, required
    • containerOptions: {publicAccessLevel: "blob"} - container options
    • folder: '', // path within container. Default is root directory of container
    • deleteExistingBlobs: true, // set it to false to skip recursive deleting blobs in folder
    • concurrentUploadThreads : 10, // number of concurrent uploads, choose best for your network condition
    • zip: false, // true if want to gzip the files before uploading. File will be zipped only if compressed file is smaller than original
    • metadata: {cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31556926'} // metadata for each uploaded file
    • testRun: false, // set to true if you just want to check connectivity and see deployment logs. No blobs will be removed or uplaoded.