This content needs to be configured according to the project specifics.
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Windows 10 to latest.
Officially Python 3.8 to 3.10. Before starting the installation run python --version
and check that it fits with the supported versions.
Connection to the Solutions private PyPI server is required. The access is controlled via a token. Create a system environment variable named SOLUTIONS_PRIVATE_PYPI_PAT
and assign it with the Solutions token provided in Connecting to the private PyPI.
Required flagship products
Product Versions SpaceClaim R22.2 to latest Fluent R23.1 to latest XXX RXX.X
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned project directory:
cd simple-beam-bending
on your system environment:pip install toml packaging
Install the production dependencies:
python -d run
- Activate the virtual environment:
For Windows CMD:
.venv\Scripts\activate.batFor Windows Powershell:
From now on, all the commands must be executed within the virtual environment.
To start the solution run the following command anywhere in the project:
saf run
Refer to the Solution Developer's Guide to get more information on how to the get started with solutions.
To develop your solution, refer to the Solution Application Framework (SAF) documentations:
Copyright (c) ANSYS Inc. All rights reserved.