
Knockout 3 example showing some nice Angular-like features using Durandal, Knockout.Punches, and require.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Internationalization using Knockout 3, i18next, Knockout.Punches, and Durandal

Example showing internationalization in a Knockout 3 app using i18next and Knockout.Punches


{{ handlebars }}

Handlebars text insertion instead of the usual data-bind="text: ..."

<h1>This is {{ someObservable }}. I like it.</h1>

This can also be used directly inside of attributes:

<h1 title="{{ anotherObservable }}">This is {{ someObservable }}</h1>

instead of the usual data-bind="attr: { someAttribute: ... }"

I18N text filter using i18next:

{{ 'internationalized.text' | i18n }}

<h2>This is a localized string: {{ 'home.label' | i18n }}</h2>



(Ensure you have installed node.js (https://nodejs.org) and bower (http://bower.io))

npm install
bower install
node app.js