
Learning Rust Wasm/WebAssembly, Virtual Dom Dodrio, WebSocket communication and PWA (Progressive Web Apps) - part six

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

unForGetTable (development name: mem6_game)

Learning Rust Wasm/WebAssembly, Virtual Dom Dodrio, WebSocket communication and PWA (Progressive Web Apps) - part six
version: 6.0 date: 2020-04-11 author: bestia.dev repository: GitHub

maintained ready_for_use loc loc mem6_game

Hashtags: #rustlang #game #tutorial
My projects on GitHub are more like a tutorial than a finished product: bestia-dev tutorials.


Documentation generated from source code:
The workspace mem6_game is made of projects:

  1. Wasm/WebAssembly (for browsers) frontend - mem6
  2. web server Warp backend - mem6_server
  3. common structures - mem6_common
  4. webfolder - contains files copied to the web folder

Every project has its own readme.md.

Read also my Previous projects on Github:

Working game server

You can play the game (mobile only) hosted on google cloud platform:


Read files TODO.md and CHANGELOG.md.

Open-source and free as a beer

My open-source projects are free as a beer (MIT license).
I just love programming.
But I need also to drink. If you find my projects and tutorials helpful, please buy me a beer by donating to my PayPal.
You know the price of a beer in your local bar ;-)
So I can drink a free beer for your health :-)
Na zdravje! Alla salute! Prost! Nazdravlje! 🍻
