My dotfiles archives for my qtile.
For the oficial repositories just use pacman and for the Arch User Repositories I will use yay.
sudo pacman -S qtile alacritty rofi pavucontrol zsh nitrogen pamixer playerctl brightnessctl network-manager-applet numlockx scrot feh
yay -S zathura qimgv-git escrotum-git
Choose the compositor of your preference.
Picom for basic configuration, best perfomance.
sudo pacman -S picom
Picom of Jonaburg for more configuration and animations, worst performance.
yay -S picom-jonaburg-git
sudo pacman -S thunar xarchiver thunar-archive-plugin tumbler glib2 gvfs
sudo pacman -S dunst
sudo pacman -S ttf-cascadia-code noto-fonts-emoji ttf-mononoki-nerd ttf-roboto-mono-nerd
yay -S lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
For activate ly on boot use systemctl as sudo.
sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service
For install the my config files.
git clone
cd dotfiles/
cd .config/
#Copy all the folders to your config folder
#WARINIG: This command will overwrite your others folders
cp -r * ~/.config/
For install all the packages before named, use:
Key | Action |
mod + return | launch alacritty |
mod + arrows | select window |
mod + shift + arrows | move selected window |
mod + ctrl + arrows | modify size window |
mod + [1-6] | go to workspace [1-6] |
mod + w | close window |
mod + b | toggle bar |
mod + Tab | next layout |
mod + f | toggle fullscreen |
mod + | | toggle group between screens (only works with 2 screens) |
mod + p | flip layout |
mod + ctrl + r | restart qtile |
mod + ctrl + q | logout qtile |
Key | Action |
mod + m | launch rofi (rofi with custom theme) |
mod + e | launch thunar |
mod + s | screenshoot current window |
mod + shift + s | screenshoot selected area |
Some of the apps I use, the installation is in their README
- Oh My Zsh
- Catppuccin Theme
- Rofi (Basic)
- Cursors
- Papirus Folders
- Dark Reader
- Discord
- NvChad