
image processing playground

Primary LanguagePython

image alignment

testing out automated image alignment

Grab some fundus images and upload on the main page for super basic montaging:

  • Error code 1 usually means your confidence is too low or you need more images - either way, you're lacking
  • Error code 2 ? this doesn't usually happen
  • Error code 3 usually means you're over confident (it's actually a camera/morphing issue - the detailed_stitcher should help account for this too) https://video.drift.com/v/abqfhzLBKmq/

if the montage didn't work, or you want to play around more - head to the next tab:

  • apply preprocessing filters:


Grab some Sift Features for the fun of it:

Generate a montage:

  • Use preprocess groups
  • switch between affine and panorama modes
  • Save image to disc