Dler Cloud Telegram Bot

A Telegram bot for querying the bandwidth usage of your Dler Cloud & Vultr account.


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Fill the values into config.toml and save it somewhere
  3. ./bot -c <path-to-config.toml>


bot-token = "" # Bot token acquired from @BotFather

# Only user/group/channel with this recipient ID can use this bot.
# Omit this value so that any one can use it.
allowed-recipient = ""

# Your Dler Cloud account.
email = ""
password = ""

# Change to true to use Vultr
enabled = false
# Your Vultr API key. Enable in https://my.vultr.com/settings/#settingsapi
api-key = ""

# Uncomment the following options to add Vultr instances.
# Change INSTANCE_NAME_* to an recognizable instance name.
# INSTANCE_ID_* can be found in the URL of Vultr's product page.

#   [vultr.instances.INSTANCE_NAME_1]
#   id = "INSTANCE_ID_1"

#   [vultr.instances.INSTANCE_NAME_2]
#   id = "INSTANCE_ID_2"

