
simple api server for AWS

Primary LanguageRuby


aws-rest-server is simple api server for AWS, generated by Sinatra. We are assuming that aws-rest-server is used by client like iOS app.

Getting Started


  • AWS Account
  • Ruby

Quick start

git clone git@github.com:betahikaru/aws-rest-server.git
cd aws-rest-server
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rackup

Server will response json. Content-Type is "application/json".

Server has sample data. Show following command.

% curl -u user:changeme "http://localhost:9292/aws/iam/users?test=1"
    "Users": [
            "UserName": "aws_user1",
            "Path": "/",
            "CreateDate": "2014-05-23T14:46:39Z",
            "UserId": "USER1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/aws_user1"

All page needs BasicAuth. username is "user", passoword is "changeme" by default. If you want to change those, show #Authentication topic.


First, copy .env.sample to .env.

cp .env.sample .env
vi .env

AWS API Setting

Set up region and restart server. aws-rest-server uses AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to run spec. Edit .env.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your API Key encoded for URI>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your API Key encoded for URI>

Basic Authentication Setting

aws-rest-server uses BasicAuth for all request. Edit .env to set username and password.

BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=<User name for BasicAuth>
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=<Password for BasicAuth>

And, don't support OAuth and other one yet.


Use by cUrl

After setting, execute following command.

# Register IAM User's API Key and Secret Access Key. Those value saved Session.
curl -u user:changeme -d AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your API Key encoded for URI> -d AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your API Key encoded for URI> "http://localhost:9292/aws/setting"

# Get IAM User list
curl -u user:changeme "http://localhost:9292/aws/iam/users"

End points

  • Register IAM User's API Key and Secret Access Key for reading IAM Information.
    • POST /aws/setting
      • parameter(required) : AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
        • IAM User's API Key. Needs to encoded for URI. Required to have Managemented Policy called 'IAMReadonlyAccess'.
      • parameter(required) : AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
        • IAM User's Secret Access Key. Needs to encoded for URI.
  • List IAM Users.
    • GET /aws/iam/users
    • GET /aws/iam/users?test=1
  • List IAM Groups of a User.
    • GET /aws/iam/users/:user_name/groups
  • List IAM Groups.
    • GET /aws/iam/groups
    • GET /aws/iam/groups?test=1
  • List IAM Policies of User and Group.
    • GET /aws/iam/users/:user_name/policies
    • GET /aws/iam/groups/:group_name/policies
  • IAM entity usage and IAM quotas.
    • GET /aws/iam/account_summary
    • GET /aws/iam/account_summary?test=1
