
📗 Read Wikipedia articles through the CLI

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Wiki CLI Build

View Wikipedia articles through the CLI


Wiki CLI is considered to be feature complete and archived.



From release

curl -LO https://github.com/BetaPictoris/wiki/releases/latest/download/wiki    # Download the latest binary.
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 wiki                                    # Install Wiki CLI to "/usr/local/bin" with the mode "755"

Build from source


You need Go (1.19+) installed to build this program. You can install it from your distro's repository using one of the following commands:

# Arch/Manjaro (and derivatives)
sudo pacman -Syu go

# Debian/Ubuntu (and derivatives)
sudo apt install golang-go

Alternatively, you can install it from Go's official website.

Then, to build & install wiki run:

git clone git@github.com:BetaPictoris/wiki.git      # Clone the repository
cd wiki                                             # Change into the repository's directory
make                                                # Build Wiki CLI
sudo make install                                   # Install Wiki CLI to "/usr/local/bin" with the mode "755"

From a package manager

indiepkg install wiki

User install

If you don't have access to sudo on your system you can install to your user's ~/.local/bin directory with this command:

install -Dt ~/.local/bin -m 755 wiki
