A collection of awesome resources about public speaking. Please read the contributing guideline if you wish to contribute.
- Speaking.io - Tips for preparing your talk and get ready to deliver it
- Lanyrd Calls for Participations - A list of open CFP
- awesome-talks - a collection of awesome tech talks
- Nextspeaker.io - web application for events schedule
- We Are All Awesome! - a collection of interesting posts about speaking, preparing, motivation, etc
- Speaker Style Bingo: 10 Presentation Anti-Patterns - by Troy Hunt
- Speaking Tips from a Grizzled Speaker - by Josh Holmes
- How to Write a Great Talk Proposal for a Tech Conference - by Kristina Schneider
- The Talk on Talks - by Zach Holman [36:26]
- 10 Quick Tips for More Effective Conference Submissions and Presentations - by Matthew McCullough [30:07]
- How to Talk to Developers - by Ben Orenstein [47:37]
- Propose, Prepare, Present - Free Ebook by Alistair Croll (O'Reilly)
- Awsome - A collection of awesome things curated by Sindre Sorhus