ionic Google Map


iOS Android
Screenshot iOS Screenshot Android

Operation Environment

$ ionic info

Your system information:

Cordova CLI: 6.1.1
Gulp version:  CLI version 3.9.1
Gulp local:   Local version 3.9.1
Ionic Version: 1.2.4
Ionic CLI Version: 1.7.14
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.7.0
ios-deploy version: 1.8.5 
ios-sim version: 5.0.8 
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v0.12.13
Xcode version: Xcode 7.3 Build version 7D175 

$ cordova platform list
Installed platforms:
  android 5.1.1
  ios 4.1.1


You will need to set up an API key for use Google API, And you put your API Key in the URL.


<script src="[Please input API KEY!]"></script>

To run in the browser

npm install
bower install ngCordova
ionic setup sass
ionic serve

To run in iOS device

In addition to the above

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation

ionic platform add ios
ionic build ios
ionic run ios

To run in Android device

In addition to the above

ionic platform add android
ionic build android
ionic run android


Google Maps API
